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事实上,这个关系是不可约分的。In effect, this relation is incommensurable.

其实很多年了,我们一直生活在巨大的差距里。We've actually been living in this state of incommensurable differences for many years now.

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讨论了准晶体及无公度相的对称特点。The symmetry characters of quasiperiodic crystals and incommensurable phases were discussed.

很多摄影师喜欢为她拍照以捕捉那“无法比拟的美”。Many photographers liked to take photos for her in order to get the "incommensurable beauty ".

我们一般说比较各人的心头好是不可能的,因为物品是不配比较。Comparing one good with another is, we usually say, impossible because goods are incommensurable.

彭妮为自己所选择的世界似乎和儒傢的安居生活方式格格不入。The world that Bonny Hicks chose for herself may seem incommensurable with the Confucian sense of situatedness.

自变量有时候会造成编程错误,试图对不可比较的类型进行比较。An argument is sometimes made that it is a programming mistake to try to compare items of incommensurable types.

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当上帝如此被移除,或情况要求我们移除,人的生命实存赋予它自己无以伦比的本质。When so moved or when circumstances require–in regard to God–being will grant itself an incommensurable essence.

这样,库恩就在坚持不可通约性的同时,为理解不可通约性的理论提供了一个可行的通道。We may adhere to the conception of incommensurability, at the same time we could understand the incommensurable theories.

你所有的繁殖和除以10000不,不能改变,因为十进制和二进制场所是不可通约的。All your multiplying and dividing by 10000 doesn't and cannot change that, because decimal places and binary places are incommensurable.

借鉴科学哲学家库恩的科学范式不可通约性思想,技术范式也存在着一定的不可通约性。Based on Kuhn s theory of incommensurability of science paradigm, this article claims that technology paradigm is incommensurable accordingly.

中西医学构成了一对不可通约的科学理论,分别代表不同的价值观念和认识方式。Chinese and western medicines form a pair of incommensurable scientific systems, which represent different valuable notions and realizing forms.

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我们因写作而彼此联系的这种关系和不具备字面交流时建立的关系明显是不一样的。The kinds of relationships we can have to each other when we have writing are simply incommensurable with those that we might enjoy without writing.

透过松球状的眼睛,他看到自己的侧面轮廓投影在一幅无法计量的幕布上,他的声音使他陶醉,因为它尖细得如间一个针头一般。With his pineal eye he sees his silhouette projected on a screen of incommensurable size. His voice, synchronized to the shadow of a pinhead, intoxicates him.

在现实的历史发展过程中,人的价值与货币价值有着既可通约又不可通约的辩证性上,它体现了历史发展过程中人性和社会制度进化的状况。The fact that the values of man and of money are at once commensurable and incommensurable reflects the historical evolution of human nature and social institutions.

正是在这个意义上,库恩否认奎因的翻译手册能够解决不同理论间的比较和交流。At this point, Thomas Kuhn denies that Qunine's translation-pamphlet could resolve the obstacles of communicability and comparability between incommensurable theories.

这意味着,用户可以将以前不能比较的信息汇集在一起,如经济成就和体育成绩,贸易模式与人口变化。This is meant, the user can be together incommensurable before information assemble, be like economic achievement and sports achievement, trade pattern and population change.

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它是在特定的社会文化中由时间和空间两个维度确定的,经表象系统形成学理意义,并具有不可通约的性质。Such a problematic, incommensurable in nature, is temporarily and spatially defined in a particular context of culture and society, and gains meaning through the representational system.