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深灰色墙壁创造出一种优雅而迷人的特殊氛围。Deep grey painted walls create a look that's both refined and glamourous.

作为一个女人和母亲,大部分我买的东西称不上独特或有趣,比方说卫生纸。Being a woman and a mother, most of the things I buy are not glamourous or exciting.

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他们是富有魅力的,美丽的宝石有缠在手腕上的手鍊。They are glamourous , beautiful stones to have wrapped around ones wrist in a bracelet.

要找出货币贬值对美国经济带来的更深远的益处,就必须去看一些不那么富丽堂皇的地方。For more significant benefits to the US economy, you have to look in less glamourous places.

浴室有灿艳的意大利大理石和瓷砖,很是合适这栋房子富有魅力的时代。The Bathroom has luscious Italian marble and tile appropriate for the glamourous era of the home.

星期日早上十点起,现场将会展示超过50辆的改装车。From Sunday 10am onwards, 50 over modified cars will be on the spot showing their glamourous side.

赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺和平静生活。Hepburn loved nature, and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.

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其车尾的造型及富有魅力的车身前端的设计让我们对该车充满了期待。The car back's cool shape and front end's glamourous design induce us to have high expectations of the car.

在这充满过去的伤感与现实的无情的歌声中,我理解了魅力猫的坎坷一生。In this sound full of the sorrow of the past and the induration of the reality, I has understood the glamourous cat's rough life.

精致的碟状珍珠贝母和闪亮的金属盘赋予这款灯迷人的风格,如同静止在空气中一般。The delicate discs of authentic mother-of-pearl and the shiny metal plates give the lamp an airy still stylish and glamourous character.

开元度假村为五星级,曾荣获“2006中国十大最具魅力酒店”和“2006中国十佳度假酒店”称号。Kaiyuan Resort is a five-star property and the winner of the Top Ten Glamourous Hotels in China 2006 and the Top Ten Best Resorts in China 2006.

这里有似加拿大的雪山,怀俄明州的峡谷,科罗拉多的原始森林,黄石公园的钙华彩池。There are snow mountains just like those in canada the great gorge in america the primeval forest in colorado and the glamourous ponds in huangshi park.

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因为哺乳需要她每天带女儿到现场,当他有表演时她只好请那些最炫的‘保姆’照顾女儿。She took her to the set every day because she was breast-feeding, and, when she had a scene, she could call on some of the most glamourous baby-sitters ever.

不论外面的世界多么温暖,多么繁华,多么耀眼,若没有一颗可以欣赏和受用的心灵,一切都像废墟。If one doesn't possess a appreciating and harboring heart, everything is like debris regardless of how warm, flourishing, and glamourous the outside world is.

大约在1955年拍摄,赫本在一片平静的树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺和平静生活。Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove, circa 1955. Hepburn loved nature, and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.

别误会,我充分考虑到了这样一场吸引人的比赛会有很多人想看,我没有想到的是今天早上几个小时竟然白白浪费。Don't get me wrong, I fully anticipated demand for this game to be huge as it is such a glamourous tie, what I didn't expect was what would transpire as the hours passed by this morning.

香港迪士尼乐园之旅带您进入奇妙的度假天地,体验香港迪士尼乐园酒店的宫廷式享受,或陶醉在迪士尼好莱坞酒店的璀璨缤纷之中。Experience the graceful charm of Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel , or the glamourous fun of Disney's Hollywood Hotel, when you stay amongst the magic during your Hong Kong Disneyland vacation.

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不论您选择哪种款式,一定要穿上深红、鲜红、樱桃红或红信筒色的衣服并且充满自信。请牢记,没有什么比红衣女郎更迷人了。Whatever style you choose, make sure to wear your scarlet, crimson, cherry and pillar-box hues with a healthy dose of confidence and remember that there is nothing more glamourous than a lady in red.