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你们谴责伊朗政权的种族灭绝宗旨。You've condemned the Iranian regime for its genocidal aims.

然而,事实是,它是一个奉行有计划谋杀的秘密警察国家,这只会使问题更加恶化。The fact that it's a genocidal and secretive police state only exacerbates matters.

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但是,在这样一个曾受到种族灭绝冲突蹂躏的国家,进展却令人惊奇。But in a country that had been ravaged by genocidal conflict, the progress is amazing.

整个世界不再接受美金或者欧元,在种族灭尽黑暗团体的控制下由银行印刷出来。The world is no longer accepting dollars or Euros printed by banks under the control of the genocidal cabal.

最近,埃及专栏作家还将上游国家的行为称为针对埃及的“种族灭绝战争”。recently, Egyptian columnists have characterised the actions of upstream states as a "genocidal war" against Egyptians.

旁人还会假定,既然灭绝人性的胡图族政权是一帮劣迹斑斑的马仔拉起的队伍,那么颠覆他们的图西族造反派就一定是一群惩恶扬善的好人。Others assumed that if the genocidal Hutu regime were the bad guys, then the Tutsi rebels who overthrew them must be the good guys.

展望未来,卢国的族群冲突与矛盾似仍难以消除,但种族灭绝的惨剧应不致再发生。Ethnic conflicts in Rwanda are likely inevitable for the foreseeable future, but another genocidal tragedy probably will not be repeated.

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在越南人推翻了这个种族灭绝的政权的30多年以后的今天,他只是众多仍旧在寻求正义的红色高棉的幸存者中的一个。He is one of many survivors of the Khmer Rouge still seeking justice more than 30 years after the Vietnamese toppled the genocidal regime.

韩森在演讲时提到︰「我们实在不希望观光客看到人民尸体,但这是消灭种族罪行的证据。」"We really don't want to keep the corpses of our people for tourists to see, but it is evidence of genocidal crime, " Hun Sen said in a speech.

柬埔寨现代历史上悲剧但标志性的人物。波尔布特共产政权搞大屠杀后,他帮助国家恢复了过来。A tragic but iconic figure in the history of modern Cambodia. He helped the country recover after the genocidal regime of the Communists, pol pot.

奈马克发现,“苏联政权1930年代的屠杀具有组织性,并非零散事件”,然而历史描述却“掩盖该行为的种族灭绝性质”。Accounts "gloss over the genocidal character of the Soviet regime in the 1930s, which killed systematically rather than episodically, " says Naimark.

任何有记录的种族灭绝运动,都利用过反感这个手段,来抹杀人性,使得更容易杀害他们。Any genocidal movement that has left behind a written record has been shown to use the mechanism of disgust to dehumanize people and make them easier to kill.

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转业成为专门博客作家的菲德尔卡斯特罗说,虽然他并不质疑奥巴马总统的诚意,但是这些措施无助于解除“灭族似的”经济禁令。In his new role as a blogger, Fidel Castro said that while he did not question Mr Obama's sincerity, the measures did nothing to dismantle the "genocidal" embargo.

星期二,一个涉嫌种族灭绝的前红色高棉政权要员成为激进的毛式革命运动组织的首位嫌犯站在有联合国背景的的法庭被告席上。A former member of Cambodia's genocidal Khmer Rouge regime became the first from the ultra-Maoist movement to stand trial before a U. N. -backed tribunal on Tuesday.

文本补充说,古巴强烈谴责以色列政府这种违背国际法基本准则和联合国宪章的种族灭绝行为。Cuba strongly condemns this genocidal act by the Israeli government which violates the main principles of International Law and the United National Charter, added the text.

毕竟,那些国家和民族就是制造战争、生产威胁人类生存的武器以及生来具有种族灭绝性和自杀性的元凶。It is, after all, nation states, which make war, which have produced the weapons that threaten the survival of mankind and which are both genocidal and suicidal in character.

白龙协会将于本周呼吁日本地下和右翼人物,要求他们现在停止一切与种族灭绝的犹太复国主义派的合作。The White Dragon Society will be calling on Japanese underground and right wing figures this week to demand that they now cease all cooperation with the genocidal Zionist faction.

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告密者休考夫纳是另一人,他警告预期数百万计的人灭亡,由于针对美国人在深南部和佛罗里达州的种族灭绝行为。Whistelblower Hugh Kaufner is the other individual who warned about millions of people anticipated to perish due to the genocidal acts against Americans in the Deep South and Florida.

与此同时,白人拓居者在美国政府的支持下推行种族灭绝政策,导致失去生活所依的印第安人陷入了严重的生存危机。As thew hite men pursued the genocidal policy with the support of the American Gover nmnet, the Indians lost the necessities of the life and got bogged down in aserious crisis for existence.

犹太复国主义的暴力政权,一直以来作为美帝国主义的爪牙,正变得越来越残忍,这回是反对独立国家的又一次冒险行为。The Zionist genocidal regime, acting as the front paw of the US imperialists, is becoming more and more fierce throughout the world, and this is yet another adventure against an independent country.