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丹尼尔虽然成了明星,却对李君没有怠慢半分。Although Daniel become a star, but no snub to Li Jun.

印度的拒绝可能被华盛顿的某些人视为对美国的怠慢。The rejection may be seen as a snub by many in Washington.

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你要不跟随你的前跟随者,以此来报复他们吗?Should you repay the snub by unfollowing your former follower?

那个象征性的,抹消杜勒斯轻侮的握手恰如其分地发生了。The symbolic handshake that erased Dulles's snub duly took place.

巴黎最高法院自行决定对婚礼庆典不予理睬。The Parlement of Paris itself decided to snub the marriage ceremony.

而这一冷遇无疑为其他国家的跟风开创了先例。And the snub undoubtedly creates a precedent other countries may follow.

尽管翘鼻子可能有魅力,但这未必是福。But while the snub shape may be attractive, it is not necessary a blessing.

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我认为还是不要慢待她的好。女人受到轻慢,怒火比地狱之火还要可怕。I don't think is it advisable to snub her. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

中澳关系已在多方面绷紧,这次冷怠使双方关系再度受挫。The snub was the latest setback in a relationship undergoing strains on several fronts.

在个人对个人会议中极为少见,这种现象可能叫做怠慢。This would rarely happen in a person-to-person meeting, which would be considered a snub.

很多的学生都疏远他因为他总是在老师讲课的时候插嘴。Many students snub him as he always gets a word in edgewise when the teacher gives his lecture.

很多共和党众议员没有出席这次活动,像这样冷落现任总统的情况在美国历史上非常罕见。Many Republican members of Congress boycotted Obama's speech, a rare snub for a sitting president.

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为了安全,内外大钳都要装配够粗、够长的钳尾绳。For safety, lead and backup tongs should be provided with snub lines of sufficient size and length.

必须定期检查大钳尾绳,使其处于良好的备用状态。Snub lines for the rig tongs must be inspected at regular intervals and be in good working condition.

是的,我敢肯定,白宫和全体美国人都会因为这个世界侏儒带来的冷落而失眠。Yes, amsure the White House and all Americans must be losing sleep about this snub from a global pigmy.

她是一位俄裔的美国姑娘,个儿大大的,一头金发,野性子,水汪汪的棕色眼睛,肉团团的狮子鼻,下巴胖胖的。She was a russian-american girl-big and blonde and animal, with swimming brown eyes, a snub fat nose and chin.

作为首位出现在国际奥委会的在任美国总统,奥巴马的家乡的提早出局被认为是对他的一种怠慢。His home town's early exit was seen as a snub for Obama, the first serving US president to appear before the IOC.

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冷落华盛顿,面临战争犯起诉的肯尼亚总统,乌胡鲁·肯雅塔先生周日开始启程访华。In snub to Washington, Kenyan president and indicted war criminal, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta begins a visit Sunday China.

特里坚称,他拒绝曼城的决定和与高薪续约没有一点关系。Terry, 28, insisted his decision to snub City has nothing to do with talks over a mega-money new contract at the Blues.

Sakurai奖励,这让法国会议组织者的冷落成为”出言不逊的“和”吓人的“。”Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, making the snub by the conference organizers "insulting" and "chilling".