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他矢口否认这个指控。He flatly denied the charge.

另有50套一口价单位推出。Another 50 sets flatly price flats.

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她认为那个主意不可能而断然拒绝考虑。She flatly dismissed the idea as impossible.

但是大臣们断然拒绝了这一提议。But ministers flatly turned down the proposal.

“我们不能撂下斯努皮,”约迪断然说道。“We can't go without Snoopy,”Jodi stated flatly.

“我们不能撂下斯努皮,”约迪断然说道。"We can't go without Snoopy, "Jodi stated flatly.

土耳其断然拒绝这份报告及其调查结果。Turkey flatly dismissed the report and its findings.

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但纽约南区断然驳斥了这一批评。The Southern District flatly rejects this assessment.

“像个鼻涕虫,”玛丽娜没劲地说,“很恶心。”“Like a slug,” Marina says flatly. “It’s disgusting.”

“朱厄特生先,很抱歉,”他不由得直截了当地说。I'm sorry, Mr. Jewett, " he heard himself say flatly."

挪威人和丹麦人断然地驳回了证词。The norwegians and danes flatly rejected the evidence.

路易斯安那州政府断然拒绝创造兑换。Louisiana’s governor flatly refuses to create an exchange.

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但是陈妻在一份声明中,断然否定了这些指控。Chen's wife flatly rejected the charges against her in a statement.

中国政府断然否认黑监狱的存在。The Chinese government has flatly denied the existence of black jails.

但是陈妻在一份声明中,断然否定了这些指控。Chen's wife flatly rejected the charges opposition her in a expression.

尽管帕司若坚持送泰瑞去医院,但她坚决不愿意去。Although Parslow insists on taking Teri to a hospital, she flatly refuses.

售货员断然拒绝了按底价出售,并说明了店里的规矩。The salesman flatly refuses to match the lower price, citing store policy.

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他虽然身负重伤,但坚决不下火线。Although he was seriously wounded, he flatly refused to quit the battle line.

阿帕查由于和男朋友格利生气,断然回绝参与演唱。The check with boyfriend gayle angry, flatly rejected participate in singing.

人则不同,当他们平白无故被告知是傻瓜时会很生气。Humans, on the other hand, get angry when they are flatly told they are stupid.