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她是我不共戴天的仇敌!She is my absolutely irreconcilable enemy!

正如猎狐之在英国,意见纷纭,且不可调和。As with foxhunting in Britain, views seem irreconcilable.

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它是实行专制制度的国家之决不妥协的敌人。She is the irreconcilable enemy of the despotism of the State.

也许你同你的上司有不可调和的性格差异。Maybe you have an irreconcilable personality difference with your manager.

但是这两个无法调和的中美合作所的形象还是让我感到一种切身的困扰。Still, the two irreconcilable images of SACO were unsettling at a personal level.

一种完全不能调和的矛盾的存在是如此富有与创造性的。An existence full of irreconcilable contradictions is so much richer and creative.

特别是他们接触的还很可能是叛乱分子里最顽固的那一部分。And not with what is arguably an irreconcilable element of that particular insurgency.

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穿高跟鞋的一派与穿低跟鞋的一派互相进击,誓不两立。The school and wear high heels with a low wear shoe attack, irreconcilable blood feud.

无法调解的分歧很快就会使两党分道扬镳。citing irreconcilable differences, one party will jilt the other sooner rather than later.

不论是在理论上还是在实践中,道德与经济都成了势不两立的对立面。Both in theory and in practice, ethics and the economy have become irreconcilable opposites.

把一对同宗同种的孪生兄弟,造就成了完全誓不两立的冤家对头,这只能说是人的残忍。It is human cruelty that turns twin brothers of the same feather into irreconcilable enemies.

现代人生哲学与一切欺骗和谎言不共戴天!A Modern Philosophy of Life" is absolutely irreconcilable with all kinds of cheating and lies."

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安吉丽娜·朱莉已提交和丈夫布拉德·皮特的离婚申请,声称有不可调和的矛盾。Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt, citing irreconcilable differences.

两部作品都探索了自然之爱与文明之爱之间不可调和的矛盾。Both of the novels deal with the irreconcilable contradiction between the love of civilization and nature.

2006年7月,二人在圣特罗佩举行婚礼,在同年的感恩节前夕,二人协议离婚,理由是无法调和的分歧。Just before Thanksgiving of that same year, both parties filed fordivorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

她说,王菲李亚鹏夫妇很努力地经营这段婚姻,但价值观不同没办法。She said the couple tried hard to fix their marriage, but the differences in their values were irreconcilable.

我认为你不负责的行为,加上你不敬的态度与你的地位非常不能协调。I find your irresponsible behaviour, coupled with your irreverent attitude, quite irreconcilable with your position.

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田树才拉下了枪栓,结果子弹没有射出来,田树才发誓自己从此以后和日本人不共戴天。Tian Shucai pulled the bolt, the bullet missed out, Tian tree swear I henceforth and Japanese feel irreconcilable hatred.

政府的缉私与民间的走私、反抗是当时社会不可调和的矛盾。Government's anti-smuggling and people's salt-smuggling and revolting were the irreconcilable contradictions at that time.

这种立场完全与美国及其盟国相反,而这些国家已经制定了一系列制裁伊朗的措施。This position is irreconcilable with that of the US and its allies, which have enacted a series of sanctions against Iran.