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抗氧化剂有利于阻止组织胺酵素起作用。The antioxidant helps to block histamine.

两组均无剂量依赖性的组胺释放作用。There were no dose-dependent effect of histamine release.

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组胺反应是病菌引起的。Histamine reactions were produced by the presence of germs.

组胺对肠粘膜屏障功能的影响。Effect of histamine on the intestinal mucosal barrier function.

比较4-AP与组胺所致小鼠舔体反应的特点。The licking response induced by 4-AP or histamine were also compared.

你的免疫系统发现你的肺部有病原体后释放组胺。Your immune system spots pathogens in your lungs and releases histamine.

有助于平衡组胺释放,三天或三天内时噢你鼻腔通畅。Helps balance histamine release and clears stuffy noses in three days or less.

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组胺是机体作为防御机制的一部分产生的一种物质。Histamine is a substance produced by the body as part of its defence mechanisms.

目的探讨组胺对肠粘膜屏障功能的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of histamine on the intestinal mucosal barrier function.

普通的痒比如蚊子的叮咬,皮肤细胞释放一种叫组胺的化学物质。In a common itch like a mosquito bite, cells in the skin release a chemical called histamine.

他们在动物的小腿上注射了产生瘙痒感的组胺,然后STT神经就被激发了。They injected histamine into the monkeys' lower legs to produce an itch, and the STT neurons fired up.

这些优点使槲黄素能维持合理组胺水平和免疫系统平衡。These qualities contribute to Quercetin's ability to support healthy histamine levels and balanced immune function.

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本品的适应症正是根据这种实验证明的抗组胺作用来确定的。It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for antistine are based.

不同储藏时间下,经抗氧化剂处理的金枪鱼组胺含量明显低于未经处理的。Different storage time, the tuna soaked by the antioxidant content of histamine was significantly lower than untreated.

患者与正常人比较,白细胞能释放较多组胺和白细胞化学趋化因子,但此改变无特异性。Compared with normal patients, WBC can release more histamine and leukocyte chemotactic factor, but no specific changes.

抗组胺药物在临床上已应用多年,其机理主要是通过阻断H_1受体而起抗过敏作用。Antihistamines have been used clinically for many years. They have anti-allergic effect by blocking histamine H_1 receptor.

绿茶含有槲皮素以及维生素C,都能够抑制诱发过敏症状的组胺反应。Green tea contains quercetin and some Vitamin C, both of which help block the histamine response that causes allergic symptoms.

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它可以引起组胺释放,导致有些病人皮肤潮红,甚至支气管痉挛和低血压发生。The drug may cause histamine release, which may cause cutaneous flushing and een bronchospasm and hypotension in some patients.

它可以引起组胺释放,导致有些病人皮肤潮红,甚至支气管痉挛和低血压发生。The drug may cause histamine release, which may cause cutaneous flushing and even bronchospasm and hypotension in some patients.

健康者服用了可以致痒的组胺溶液,其他人则服用了无害的盐水。The healthy subjects had a histamine solution, which was designed to make them itch.Others had a harmless salt solution applied.