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什么是上下文门户?What is a contextual portal?

点击小圆点打开一个上下文窗口Clicking a dot brings up a contextual window.

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NO的上下文广告的网站,弹出窗口,侵入广告等。NO contextual ads sites, popups, intrusive advertising, etc.

无上下文广告的网站,弹出窗口,侵入广告等。No contextual ads sites, popups, intrusive advertising, etc.

激活或取消激活物品相关的上下文帮助。Activates or deactivates contextual help relating to objects.

更多相关的图片和项目信息在潘特格拉姆的博客上。More contextual images and project info on the Pentagram blog.

语境的因素是翻译过程中不可忽视的一个因素。Contextual factors are not ignorable in the process of translation.

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许多在线地图的上下文窗口减少了图例的使用。Contextual windows eliminate the need for legends in many online maps.

没有上下文广告的网站,弹出窗口,侵入广告等无垃圾邮件。No contextual ads sites, popups, intrusive advertising, etc. NO SPAMMING.

没有上下文广告的网站,弹出式窗口,侵入广告等无垃圾邮件。No contextual ads sites, pop-ups, intrusive advertising, etc. NO SPAMMING.

没有上下文广告的网站,弹出窗口,侵入广告等,无垃圾邮件。No contextual ads sites, popups, intrusive advertising, etc. -NO SPAMMING.

这已通过使用上下文关键字和空格分隔的关键字来实现。This has been accomplished with the use of contextual and spaced keywords.

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无垃圾邮件,弹出窗口,内容增加了,平安网站,或在新闻组的链接。No spamming, popups, contextual adds, ping sites, or links within newsgroups.

他迎接的下一个挑战是数据库监控和上下文跟踪。The next challenge he addresses is database monitoring and contextual tracing.

利用任何能找到的上下文的线索来理解你所听到的。Use any contextual clues available to you to begin to understand what you hear.

WordPress在应用的管理区提供上下文帮助。WordPress offers contextual help in the administration area of the application.

“要求仲裁会鼓励消息携带更多的上下文信息”。Requiring intermediation encourages messages to carry more contextual information.

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这将在并列结构自动识别中发挥效用。The contextual information will work in coordinate structure automatic bracketing.

其余包括上下文和影响美观,创新和转让。The rest cover contextual and aesthetic impact, and innovation and transferability.

我们已经看到越来越多的文本处理工具进入消费市场。We are seeing an increasing number of contextual tools entering the consumer market.