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如果他再来烦扰你,我将会给他一顿训斥。If he bothers you again, I will give him an earful.

他滔滔不绝向我抱怨他的新老板。He gave me an earful of complaints about his new boss.

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如果他再来烦你,我会教训他一顿。If he comes and bothers you again, I'll give him an earful.

她很晚才回家,被妈妈训了一顿。Her mom gave her an earful when she came home late at night.

如果你跟汤姆谈谈,你会听到很多关于这个主题的东西。If you talk to Tom, you may get an earful about the subject.

妻子对我做错的事大发怨言。My wife gaudio-videoe me an earful of things Iwoulm doing wrong.

杰姬昨夜很晚回家时,遭到她爸妈斥责。Jackie got an earful from her parents last night when she came home late.

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现在,老鱼估计他成为另外一个被爵士球迷狂嘘的湖人球员了。Now, Fisher figures he's just another Laker getting an earful from Utah fans.

他如果再来这里捣乱,我就会把他臭骂一顿。If he comes here again and tries to make trouble, he'll get an earful from me.

一个数学家在晚上3点时徘徊着回家,结果被老婆骂了一顿。A mathematician wanders back home at 3a. m. and proceeds to get an earful his wife.

假定将来几个月你能找到下荚冬那么在临别前你大概很有那么点想向老板甩上几句狠话。It might be tempting to give the boss an earful if you land a new job in the coming months.

我猜阿德尔曼在中场休息的时候对此抱怨了几句,他们在第3节上场的时候打起精神来了。I guess Adelman gave them an earful at halftime and they came out with more intensity in the 3rd.

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“不要去改装一辆车”这句老话在这时候正合适。我估计机械师和空调安装师在彼得回到摩林顿后也许将会对此进行抱怨。I reckon the mechanic and air conditioning installer could be in for an earful on Peter's return to Mornington.

几乎圈子中的每一个人都听到了瑞克惊人的回答,在旁晚时分,往常那喋喋不休的谈话戛然而止。Almost everyone in the circle caught an earful of Rick's words, and the usual evening's chatter abruptly ceased.

胡锦涛将会听到对中国行业行为的怨声载道,自主创新仅仅是冰山一角而已。Mr. Hu will get an earful about China's industrial practices, regarding much more than just indigenous innovation.

白宫希望国会议员在9月初回到华盛顿时已听取了选民关于美国就业和经济形势的指责。The White House hopes lawmakers will return to Washington in early September having heard an earful from voters about jobs and the economy.

“父母还是像对待高中生一样对待我。”山东大学大一学生,19岁的宋颖抱怨到。“每天我都是在他们的牢骚声中度过的。”"still treat me like I was in senior high, " Song Ying, a 19-year-old freshman at Shandong University, complained. "I get an earful every day. "

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联邦应急管理局领导者备受国会斥责,原来是一些赈济卡特里娜灾民的拖车里的甲醛含量可能极度超标。FEMA leaders are getting an earful from Congress. Turns out some of the trailers given to Katrina victims may have dangerous levels of formaldehyde.

他将瑞恩从死亡线上拉回来,但是却让火车出了轨,更不幸的是,周围的人们对他恶语相向,胡乱谩骂。He plucks Ray from death, but in the process derails the train and, also true to bad form, receives an invective-laced earful from the gathering mob.

汉考克将R从死亡线上拉了回来,但是在这个过程中他做出了让火车出轨这个确实不好的行为,他也遭到周围人猛烈的抨击和训斥。He plucks Ray from death, but in the process derails the train and, also true to bad form, receives an invective -laced earful from the gathering mob.