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给我的混血儿子讲的关于人种的教导。Lessons on race for my biracial son.

你很难在2011年对一个混血小孩解释这事。It’s hard to explain to a biracial child in 2011.

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孩子在成长过程中会经历一些变化,特别是黑白混血儿。Children go through changes while growing up, especially biracial children.

作为一个不同种族的学生,我感到特别有兴趣,在点4和5对威廉斯。As a biracial student I am particularly interested in points 4 and 5 about Williams.

许多保守党人倾向于承认由阿贝尔左肋瓦领导的种族主义政府。Many Tories favor recognition of the new biracial government headed by Bishop Abel Muzorewa.

奥巴马已经证明他是一位可以调动白人和黑人的混血儿。Senator Barack Obama has proved to be a biracial icon who can mobilize blacks and whites alike.

美国偏袒黑白两种族的中坚分子,抛弃海地黑人民众,进一步加深了长久以来的紧张形势。They favor the biracial elite over black Haitians, deepening longstanding tensions. The U. S. withdraws in 1934.

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作为一个混血儿的新妈妈,我准备在公开地、简明地讲述人种问题上开个头。As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race.

在这里我的工作主要是负责全校小朋友的卫生安全,这些小朋友年龄都在2岁到6岁之间,其中也有来自国外的小朋友和混血儿。Here I am in charge of the children's health and safety, these children age 2 to 6 years old, which also has the foreign friend and biracial.

作为“告诉我更多”这一节目对于美国家庭特别关注的一部分,主持人米歇尔马丁与人种学学者朱恩.克罗斯和格雷戈里.威廉姆斯进行了谈话。As part of Tell Me More's special focus on the American family today, host Michel Martin speaks with biracial authors June Cross and Gregory Williams.

美国人喜欢在黑色与白色之间寻找答案,这作为一种文化特质,我们认为,当去年那个混血儿男子参加总统竞选的时候就被习惯性地称为“黑色”。Americans like answers in black and white, a cultural trait we confirmed last year when the biracial man running for President was routinely called "black".

虽然汉斯华德还没有设立帮助混血儿童的基金会,但仅是他来参观这个国家就起到很大的影响。人们广泛认为汉斯华德改变了混血儿受歧视的现状。So by visiting here, and also by setting up a foundation which helps biracial children, Hines Ward is widely credited as having changed the prejudices of a nation.

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她在片中演活了混血儿的成长过程,也让她第一次入围亚太影展,就荣登影后宝座。She truthfully portrayed how a biracial child grows up in the film, which allowed her to win the honor of Best Actress for her first nomination in the Asia Pacific Film Festival.