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我不喜欢忙乱地整理行装。I hate all this fussy packing.

这会显得你是个挑剔的人。You will appear as a fussy person.

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有点像那些吹毛求疵的批评家。It's sort of like those fussy critics.

我们老师对标点符号十分挑剔。Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.

即使是宝宝,当妈妈难受时他也会跟着难受。Even a baby gets fussy when his mother is upset.

在上述物种中,雌性动物便是不易取悦的收听者。And females of these animals can be fussy listeners.

但我要的确良简单的东西,不要这些罗罗嗦嗦的装饰。But I want something simple, not all these fussy bit!

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但我要的是简单的东西,不要这些罗罗嗦嗦的装饰。But I want something simple, not all these fussy bits !

但我要的是简单的东西,不要这些罗罗唆唆的装饰。But I wanted something simple, not all these fussy bits!

因此,雌性对能使她怀孕的雄性特别挑剔。Therefore she is especially fussy about who fertilizes them.

“短毛熊蜂非常挑食,”她说。The short-haired bumblebee is a very fussy eater, " she said.

赫本时代繁复的发髻样式今天看来太过修饰,不如简简单单地扎在颈背处。The overachieving styles of Hepburn's time feel too fussy today.

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该国一位名叫扎伊娜的单身女性说,“中国男人脾气好、勤奋”。"Chinese are not fussy or lazy", said Zaina, a single Tanzanian woman.

他买东西相当吹毛求疵,就连买杂货也得花上好几个钟头。He's fussy when buying things. It takes him hours just to buy groceries.

我以前常要像一个讨厌的叔叔似的,老是给罗娜劝告,而她只是笑笑而已。I used to remonstrate with Laura like a fussy old uncle but she'd only laugh.

一提到我的食物保鲜原则,他就觉得我「大惊小怪」或「过度谨慎」。He thinks that I am "fussy" and "overcautious" when it comes to my food rules.

种植内毕罗葡萄对于地区和土壤是很挑剔的。The Nebbiolo wines are fussy about both site and soil in which they are grown.

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他们对食物很挑剔,尤其注重食物的营养和卫生。Concerned with health and cleanliness, they can be very fussy about their food.

这家店用了太多彩饰,显得色彩过多,有些繁琐。This shop uses too many colorful decorations, which makes it look kind of fussy.

简约空间在设计上摒弃了传统设计奢华与繁琐的特点。Simple space spurns the expensive and fussy characteristics of traditional design.