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这就是一种电压表。Here was a voltage meter.

三极管能升高电压。The triode steps up voltage.

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低压脱扣试验。Under voltage tripping test.

电压控制的时钟?。VCC? Voltage Controlled Clock?

电压调节模块?。VRM? Voltage Regulator Module?

电压调节管理器?。VRM? Voltage Regulating Manager?

高低压马达起动器“,”High, Low Voltage Motor Starters.

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外加反向电压至闸极G。Apply a reverse voltage to gate G.

指示,不带电池的电压。Indicates voltage without battery.

电压控制的放大器?。VCA? Voltage Controlled Amplifier?

电压敏感型振荡器?。VSO? Voltage Sensitive Oscillator?

电压驻波比?。VSWR? Voltage Standing Wave Ratio?

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电压频率变换器?。VFC?Voltage to Frequency Converter?

电流滞后于电压。The current lags behind the voltage.

高电压会伤电器,无论高温低温。What if high voltage but cool temos?

全铝材现代低压灯!All-aluminum low voltage modern lamp!

全铝材现代低压灯!All-aluminum modern low voltage lamp!

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电压分,负向地面。Voltage points and negative to ground.

用双电极电压钳记录。A two-electrode voltage clamp was used.

采用24V低压烙铁芯安全供电。Used safety and low voltage 24V heater.