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从李生硬的回应。A curt response from Lee.

他只简短地哼了声“去吧。He grunted a curt 'Go by.

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Curt接电话后,我抽泣着说。I sobbed, when Curt answered.

“你只是心情不好,”Curt说。“You’re just upset, ” Curt said.

他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。He rapped out a series of curt commands.

柯特从未做过一点工作。Curt never did a stroke of work. Catch him!

伦敦,冷且湿,雪的粗鲁之吻。London, cold and damp, the snow's curt kisses.

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她以一种简洁和公事公办的方式通知他。She told him in a curt and businesslike manner.

简略的摘要并不意味着就要没吸引力。This curt sumMary is not meant to be ungracious.

本奥尔森和科特Onalfo了专业球员的伟大事业。Ben Olsen and Curt Onalfo had great careers as professional players.

在忙碌的时间如果他接到私人电话,他也只是三言两语。If he received a personal call during a busy time, he could be curt.

欧克莱尔简单的制造勾住拖车的金属球。Curt Manufacturing in Eau Claire makes metal ball hitches for trailers.

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丰到机场接母崔婷,遇浚,丰态度生硬。At the airport CuiTing richly, when mother heaped, abundant attitude curt.

她以一种简慢的、办理事务式的态度通知他。I received a curt letter telling me I was in arrears on my mortgage payments.

诺顿稍点了一下头,哈雷和特劳特开始彻底的翻腾这间牢房。Norton gives a curt nod. Hadley and Trout start tossing the cell in a thorough search.

你是否因为某个坏脾气的司机,某个粗鲁的服务生,某个不尊重人的上司,或者某个麻木不仁的雇员而一天都心情不快?Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day?

首先,俱乐部前届主席汪澈做了简短的讲话,以自己在俱乐部的亲身经历鼓励广大会员。The former chairman first made a curt speech, and encouraged leaguers with his own experience.

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但是在处理丹尼斯的金钱方面,柯蒂斯似乎不在乎把钱亏光。But when it came to handling Richard Dennis's money, Curt could have cared less if he lost it all.

对于你所认为他人的无能,你会因此而感到沮丧导致人际关系不和吗?Do you get curt with people because you are frustrated with what you perceive as their ineptness ?

“感谢上帝,我曾有过美好的生活,”科特·弗莱德说,“但在生命最后这件事给我了一个耳光。”“I had a good life, thank God, ” Curt Fried said, “and at the end of my life this hits me in the face.”