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现在,我不知道自己身在何处。Nowaday I don't know where am I.

现今中国己经是真正地世界领头羊了。Nowaday China is the real head of the world.

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现今中国已经是真正的世界领头羊了。Nowaday China is the real head of the world.

现今中国已经是真正的世界领头羊了。Nowaday China is the real brain of the world.

当今社会正在发生着深刻的变革。In nowaday society, a deep reform is taking place.

如今愚蠢的声明老是出自中国。Stupid statement always come out of China nowaday.

和平与发展是当今世界的两大潮流。Peace and development are the two mainstreams in nowaday world.

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但是现在很多女孩子都想嫁给暴发户。But many girls nowaday do want to marry a man filthy with dough.

我在这里很安全,不过这个国家的状况现在听起来不太妙。I am safe here, though the situation in this country sounds not so good nowaday.

目前的发展表明,它在一定程度上可以作为二氯甲烷的直接代用品。Nowaday developments show that it can be drop in replacement of methylene chloride.

双馈调速在泵站上应用是一个全新的应用领域。Application of doubly-fed system in pumping station is a new domain in China nowaday.

很开心遇见了几位儿时旧友,他们现在都发展得好好。That's nice I meet several friends in my childhood, they all have good developement nowaday.

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现有的科学技术还没有发展到让科学家们精确地预测地震的程度。Nowaday 's science and technology have no ability to make scientists to predict earthquake accurately.

现在意大利的女孩喜欢将这只爱之神玩偶放在自己的房间里,让爱之神守护着自己。Nowaday , Italy girls like to keep this Triangel dolls in their own rooms, let the God of Love to protect them.

现阶段我国农民为了保护自身利益,常常诉诸于非制度化政治参与。To safeguard their benefits, peasants in nowaday China often undertake non-institution political participation.

在当今的信息化社会环境下,信息素养已成为人才培养的一项核心要求。In the nowaday information society, information literacy has become an essential requirment for the talent culture.

本文针对网络课程现状和网络课程的交互特点,讨论网络课程的交互设计。The design and the development of quality web-based course is of much importance in the nowaday distance education.

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当代日常生活世界对人的奴役与自由发展的关系成为一个二难撞击的重大问题。Contradiction between enslaved people by nowaday life and their need of unrestrained development is a serious problem.

但是,在现今的语文课堂中,互动教学出现了形式化、客观化、垄断化的互动等等。However, in the nowaday Chinese class , the interactive teaching becomes formalised, externalized and concentrated, etc.

在分析现有液体声速测量方法的基础上,提出了一种新的兰姆波传感器。This paper introduced a new Lamb wave sensor based on the analysis of nowaday methods for measuring sound velocity in liquid.