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这个说法使我为之忘形。The notion overwhelmed me.

这已经变成了一种概念。It has become just a notion.

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这就是「感觉」的观念。This is the notion of Begriff.

但朱对这个说法嗤之以鼻。But Zhu scoffed at that notion.

复制者坚持这一观点…Copyists adhere to this notion.

我将在下面分析此概念。I will examine this notion below.

即享受安静这一理念。The notion of embracing stillness.

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人们还没给质量下定义Yet, the notion of mass is defined.

袁氏把这种观念应用于花。Carrying the notion over to flowers.

世博价值在于世博理念II. The Expo values lie in its notion

这些就是对矢量的一些认识So this is the notion of what vectors are.

要明白这是没有任何捷径的。Give up the notion that there is a shortcut.

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它可以是阻尼强迫运动或非阻尼强迫运动。This may be damped or undamped forced notion.

因此之故,也才有基因组等同于生命蓝图的说法。Hence the notion of the genome as a blueprint.

而最近我对这种观念恍然大悟。I have recently been disabused of this notion.

从你的眼睛里我能看到你若有所失的影踪。I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.

我们会来看一个基本概念。Well, we've already looked at the basic notion.

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这就要我们了解归因这个概念了。And this brings us to the notion of attribution.

是指包括了五种感官的广义概念。I've got in mind broader notion of all 5 senses.

昂格尔博士和谢勒博士膺惩了这种概念体系。Dr Unger and Dr Scherer attack this whole notion.