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要品尝食物,不能狼吞虎咽。Savor the food.

尽情享受简简单单的乐趣。Savor the joy of simple pleasures.

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准备好去体味那些鲣鱼薄片。Get ready to savor those bonito flakes.

尽情享受简单带来的自然愉悦。Savor the natural joy of simple pleasures.

这是宝贵的,值得寻味的体验。This is a precious experience, one to savor.

抓住你生命中的每分每秒,细细品味。Seize every second of your life and savor it.

的左伊,觉得心中有那么些些吃味。Of left Yi, feel that so some in heart eat savor.

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要注意你吃的食物,慢慢品味每一口。Pay attention to the food you eat and savor each bite.

尽情地享受少量的黑巧克力吧!Stick with dark chocolate and small amounts. Savor it!

现在就让我们一起慢慢地品味菊花茶。Now let's take our time to savor the chrysanthemum tea.

我们将乐意于他们的陪伴,觉得在他们手里是安全的。We'll savor their company and feel safe in their hands.

每一刻都要你用一生去尽情享受。Each moment has richness that takes a lifetime to savor.

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他们也以痘疮而闻名,胡椒的和味道味道。They are also famous for pocked , peppery and savor taste.

把生活琐事简单化,把时间留给更多美好的事物。Simplify things in life so you can savor more of the goodness.

的确,这是一本值得您阅读和欣赏的参考书。Yet, it is a reference book that you will want to read and savor.

最好的方法就是尽情享受每一口咀嚼。The best way to eat until you’re satisfied is to savor every bite.

棠梨叶落胭脂色,荠麦花开白雪香“,让我们体味斑澜。" rouge color, flowers snow Mosla Michael Shannon, " Let us savor.

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回到车旁,我回忆起刚才走过的景,细细品味。Back in the car, I recalled just walked through the scene, to savor.

幸福,这一词就是那么简单,但细细品味就如咖啡一般香醇。Happiness, the word is so simple, but savor wine as ordinary coffee.

“达夫家饰”,设计属于你的品味生活。"Duff home decoration" , The design belongs to you to savor the life.