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我喜欢看超现实主义的小说。I have a preference for surrealistic novels.

这是一段白日梦似的超现实主义段落。This is day dream-like surrealistic section.

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1920年代,法国兴起了超现实主义电影。Surrealistic film occurred in France in 1920s.

由超现实的传奇故事向写实性的“天然图画”发展。A change from surrealistic legends to realistic works.

这一超现实寓言改编自亚当和夏娃的故事。This surrealistic fable is based on the Adam and Eve story.

而另一些作品则更为可触知的超现实主义。Certain pieces have more of a tangible surrealistic influence.

对我而言,前两个月的金融市场是超现实主义的。Financial markets the past two months turned surrealistic on me.

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他最后一本书以大胆的、时而超现实的手法将事实和幻想糅合在一起。His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy.

她并不美丽的超现实的剪辑了件剪纸从杂志。She does beautiful surrealistic montages made up of pieces of paper cut from magazines.

在北京艺术博览会里面,梁硕的作品看起来特别超现实的。Liang Shuo's work displayed during ArtBeijing was totally surrealistic in the middle of the fair.

超现实主义画家达利倾其一生的热情,把此手法发挥得淋漓尽致。Surrealistic painter, Daly went up all the enthusiasm of his lifetime, upholding this approach on its head.

以下20个房间,从玩乐性质的艺术到令人惊叹的超现实主义,应有尽有。These twenty rooms range from playfully artistic to mind-bogglingly surrealistic with everything in between.

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艺术家把自己的家居空间移植到了户外绿地,并别出心裁地把它转换为超现实的世界。The author relocates his home to outdoor green space in a unique way to transform it to a surrealistic world.

达利多彩多姿的一生和他的深奥超现实绘画一样,惊人视听,撼人耳目。His colorful life, like his profound surrealistic paintings, is extremely touching and startling to eyes and ears.

受西方超现实主义诗学影响,台湾创世纪诗社对潜意识与梦的世界进行了深度的探索。Influenced by Western Surrealistic poetics, Taiwan's Epoch Poetry Club probe into the world of subconsciousness and dreams.

台湾创世纪诗社在对西方超现实主义诗学的借鉴和重铸之中,尝试实现台湾诗歌的现代化。The Epoch Poetry Club attempts to have Taiwanese poetry modernized by adopting and re-forging Western Surrealistic poetics.

第二部分,通过对具体的画家的作品解读,说明超现实主义绘画在中国的发展状况。The second part, through the interpretation of specific works of artists, shows and surrealistic paintings in China's development.

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东汉三国汉译佛经对时空的描述体现为超现实的叙事时空观。The description of the early Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture is embodied as the view of the surrealistic narrative spatiotemporal.

而弗洛伊德在以后对人谈到因达利而改变对超现实主义的看法这一事实,足以佐证我的这一推论。The right people are talking about Freud later changed due to Dali surrealistic view of the fact that I have enough to support this inference.

那些纷飞的玻璃片和天使般的小女孩,构成了一种荒诞,并邀请我们在一个现实的场景中倾听一个非现实的故事。The flying pieces of fragmentary glass and the angle-like girl depict a kind of absurdness, which tells a surrealistic story in a 'realistic' environment.