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想到快乐,注入内心。Think about it. Internalize it.

换言之,热情帮你将效率内化。In other words, passion helps you internalize the efficiency.

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我相信当我们还是孩子的时候这一点就已根植我们的内心。I believe that when we are children, we already internalize this.

在Coase之前,我们会说“将外部不经济内部化!”Before Coase, we said, "internalize the external diseconomies! "Really!

你需要理解并吸收这些想法,这样才可让它们与你自身的观点融合。You have to assimilate and internalize those ideas so they mix with your own.

内向的人更倾向于在人群中控制自己的情绪,闷在心里。Introverts prefer to control their emotions around others and internalize them.

有许多人将这些问题纳入考虑范围,将这个问题藏在心里,然后它将会开始影响着人们。A lot of people take this on board, internalize it and it can really start to affect them.

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然而,适当地学习需要时间来使新的信息和试验内在化。Yet, proper learning requires time to internalize the new information and experiment with it.

补偿是生态公益林外部性内部化的核心问题。Compensation is the key point to internalize the externalities of the non-industrial ecological forest.

一旦我们拥有了这样有难度的洞察力,我们就开始游荡漂浮在充满多种可能的世界中。Once we internalize this difficult insight, we begin to swim, ungrounded, in a multiplicity of possible worlds.

要深入了解及活用这本书的原则就必须在小组与人切磋讨论。The best way to internalize the principles in this book is to discuss them with others in a small-group setting.

由于学校办学理念缺乏实际的导向性,师生无法将理念内化于心。Due to the lack of practice-oriented concepts, teachers and students can not internalize the idea in their minds.

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“在这种环境下成长的孩子们,他们不会感知价值并且不懂的他们为什么不能喝酒,”巴尔说道。"Kids in that environment tend not to internalize the values and understand why they shouldn't drink," says Bahr.

不过,作为一名应用程序架构师,您必须理解治理的价值并适应它。However, as an application architect, you need to begin to understand and internalize the value that governance brings.

当你这样做时,你开始使你的目标和梦想内在化,就像它们是你已经获得的一些东西那样。When you do this, you start to internalize your goals and dreams, as if they are something that you have already achieved.

凡弗利特的研究表明,那些由于羞耻让他们感到疲惫不堪的的人们往往存在内部化和过度个性化的情况。Van Vliet's research shows that people who feel debilitated by shame tend to internalize and over-personalize the situation.

结果,许多变装者宁愿把他们自己的这一心态和行为隐藏起来,有时,甚至内心悠然而生一种羞耻和内疚感。As a result, many cross-dressers choose to hide this part of themselves and sometimes internalize a sense of shame and guilt.

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如果我们清楚死去无可避免,并且真正承认这个事实,也许这样会减少它的坏处。Well, if we see that our death is inevitable and we really internalize that fact, perhaps that would reduce the badness of it.

追根溯源,这种相似性存在的主要原因是人脑天生具有内化语法规则的习得机制。Reason underlying the similarity is that there is acquisition mechanism in human mind, which can internalize the grammar rules.

孩子们都是完美的模仿者,小时候会内化他们父母表达的情感,而当他们年龄再大一些之后,则会内化同龄人的情感。Consummate imitators, children internalize the feelings expressed by their parents, and, when they are a bit older, their peers.