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一个叫“我们是后现代”的碱性萨达特。One is called "We Are Postmodern" by Alka Sadat.

我也不会给它起一个狂妄的后现代书名。Nor would I give it a pretentious postmodern title.

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那么,最佳后现代饮食会是什么样的?So what would an optimal postmodern diet look like?

后现代对教师应然的角色进行了确证。Postmodern period has certified the due roles of teachers.

多尔在其后现代课程观中提出4R的后现代课程模式。Doll puts forward 4R in his postmodern perspective on curriculum.

约翰·福尔斯是一位优秀的英国后现代主义小说家。John Fowles is one of the excellent English postmodern novelists.

艳俗,作为产品的一种审美风格,在后现代社会兴起。Gaudiness as a kind of aesthetic style rises in postmodern society.

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人都是天真的现实主义者,即便是后现代哲学家,也不无例外。All of us, even postmodern philosophers, are naive realists at heart.

唐纳德·巴塞尔姆是美国最著名的后现代主义作家之一。Donald Barthelme is one of the most famous American postmodern writers.

现代或后现代雕塑要更为复杂。The modern or postmodern sculptures are much more complicated to work on.

这种关系正是后现代文艺评论秉持的基础理念。This relationship is the fundamental idea of postmodern literary criticism.

廓清詹明信的后现代理论的旨趣,具有重要的学术意义。Therefore it has the academic value to clarify Jameson 's postmodern theory.

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在后现代语境中,服饰符码在本性上是一种能指的游戏。In postmodern context, costume code is a kind of game of signifier in nature.

介于现代与后现代之间的文化硏究认同与政治。Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern.

但是,在后现代世界中,阶级与种族也如镜花水月,难以捉摸。But each of these, too, becomes anything but predictable in a postmodern world.

唐·德里罗是美国当代文坛中杰出的后现代作家。Don DeLillo is a prominent postmodern writer in American contemporary literary world.

以此看来你是一脚踏在传统社会,一脚踩在后现代社会。So you seem to have one foot in the premodern world and one foot in the postmodern world.

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SDA定义的但在其他系教授的课程,如现代哲学和哲学解释学。Courses defined by SDA but taught by other departments, e.g. Postmodern and Hermeneutic philosophy.

在后现代社会,做家长就像学校教书育人的工作一样,是一项值得我们反思、引起社会重视的职业。In a postmodern world, parenting will be among the vocations that are re-valorized and teaching, too.

法国女性主义在西方女性主义的后现代理论转向过程中做出了突出贡献。French feminism contributes a lot to the postmodern theoretical transformation of the western feminism.