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属于、关于或从事皮肤病学的。Of or relating to or practicing dermatology.

冷冻笔是美容外科和皮肤科的突破。Cryopen is a breakthrough in aesthetic surgery and dermatology.

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皮肤性病科,副主任医师。LiKangyong----Vice-archiater of Dermatology & Venereal disease Dept.

这个研究出现在英国社会研究皮肤医学中。The study was presented at the British Society for Investigative Dermatology.

去除脂肪团至今仍是皮肤美容学上的终极目标之一。The removal of cellulite remains one of the holy grails of cosmetic dermatology.

这一调查结果发布在2月26日的皮肤病研究杂志。The findings were published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

RCT的数量和质量远远不能满足临床实践的需要。The number and quality of RCT in dermatology can't satisfy the demand of clinical practice.

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该模式由大理市第二人民医院皮肤性病科探索建立。The model from Dali City Second People's Hospital to explore the establishment of Dermatology.

皮肤科门诊患者就诊期间是否对其生活质量进行过充分讨论?。Does enough quality of life- related discussion occur during dermatology outpatient consultations?

皮肤科曾诊断为结节性红斑、毛囊炎、生殖器溃疡。The initial diagnoses from dermatology were erythema nodosum, folliculitis and genital ulceration.

曾受聘武警上海总队医院皮肤科坐诊专家。As an admissions expert, he was employed by the Shanghai Armed Police Corps Hospital of Dermatology.

之后在一个皮肤诊所工作的时候,我遇到一位患化脓性汗腺炎的病人。Later while working in a dermatology clinic, I met a patient suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa.

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维甲酸类药物具有多种复杂的药理作用,临床上外用维甲酸可以治疗痤疮、光老化和多种角化性皮肤病。In the clinic of dermatology it can be used to treat Acne, Psoriasis and some Keratotic skin disorders.

荨麻疹是皮肤科较常见的皮肤黏膜过敏性疾病,它的病因复杂。Urticaria is a common skin mucocutaneous allergic disease in dermatology. The etiology is very complex.

先后于全国著名皮肤病诊治中心、华山医院、武汉市一医院工作进修。He has ever studied in many famous dermatology center such as Huashan Hospital and Wuhan First Hospital.

近日,区何贤医院皮肤科接诊了一位烫伤的小女孩。Recently, the area what virtuous hospital dermatology department had accepted the little girl who scalds.

皮肤细胞的体外培养技术一直是化妆品相关皮肤领域研究的重要手段。The skin cutaneous-cell culture technologies have been important means in the fi eld of cosmetic and dermatology.

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探讨在新形势下,以提高单位时间内教学效果为主要目的皮肤病学教学方法改革及实践。Faced with such a situation, the paper explores the reforms and practice for teaching dermatology and venereology.

它们是从发展皮肤科学和生物学的经验中,对于抗氧化和抗老有深入研究体验。It was developed from their experience in dermatology and biomedical research on antioxidants and the aging process.

非侵略性的皮生物工程技术的新近的来临已经在这个领域加速皮肤病学研究。The recent advent of non-invasive skin bioengineering technology has accelerated dermatology research in this field.