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我很享受阅读的博客沙洛姆。I enjoyed reading the blog SHALOM very much.

的意思是和平,,Well,shalom,means,peace,所以那意味着他也是和平之王。shalom so that means he's also the king of peace.

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它的存在,我们都觉得和平沙洛姆!It is there that we all find the peace of Shalom !

愿你们所作的让上帝得荣耀,愿我亲爱的朋友们平安!May God be glorified in all you do. Shalom my friends!

祷告神透过超自然的方式,以祂的平安造访这个土地上的每个百姓。Pray that God supernaturally visits everyone living in the land with His Shalom.

索菲用英语和希伯来语演讲时,沙洛姆·格林伯格拉比在旁帮助。Rabi Shalom Greenberg helps Sophie as she gives her speech in English and Hebrew.

正如我在写这篇文章我想知道您的观点将沙洛姆。As I was writing this article I was wondering what your perspective would be on Shalom.

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愿主保佑中国及其子民,愿主常赐福与他们。May GOD have mercy on China and the Chinese, may your grace always be upon them. Shalom.

喜建筑业,只想说声谢谢你们所有的精神特别是关于洞察力沙洛姆。Hi Jill, just wanted to say thank you for all of your spiritual insight especially about shalom.

我很确定祂有足够的恩慈会如此做,祂会以丰盛而深情的平安来浇灌在你身上。I am certain He is gracious enough to do just that, abundantly lavishing you with His loving shalom.

沙洛姆说,当前以中关系发展顺利,交流与合作继续扩大。Shalom said Israel-China relations are developing smoothly with increasing exchanges and cooperation.

在以色列边境加沙凯雷姆•沙洛姆过境时,电动车等待着巴勒斯坦人接手。Electric scooters wait to be accepted by Palestinians at the Kerem Shalom crossing on the Gaza — Israel border.

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“70年前犹太人移居到这里是为了生存”,一位和蔼的以色列籍拉比沙洛姆·格林伯格在讲坛上说,“现在他们来到这里是为了发达”。"Seventy years ago Jews came here to survive," Rabbi Shalom Greenberg, an affable native of Israel, announced from the pulpit. "Now they come here to prosper.

“70年前犹太人移居到这里是为了生存”,一位和蔼的以色列籍拉比沙洛姆·格林伯格在讲坛上说,“现在他们来到这里是为了发达”。"Seventy years ago Jews came here to survive, " Rabbi Shalom Greenberg, an affable native of Israel, announced from the pulpit. "Now they come here to prosper."

以色列说,人道主义休战可以让大约80辆运送药品、医疗物资、基本食品和燃料的卡车经由凯雷姆-沙洛姆过境点进入加沙。Israel says the humanitarian recess will enable about 80 trucks carrying medicine, medical supplies, basic food and fuel to pass into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing.