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追忆每一个给过我们记忆的人。People who sent us the retrospection.

第一章简单回顾了转述引语研究的历史。Chapter One is a retrospection of the studies on speech reporting.

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第四章是对德曼的理论与批评的一个总体的回顾和评价。The last chapter is a retrospection about Paul's theory and criticism.

第五部分为广西民权主义实践的检讨。Chatper Five is a retrospection about the practice of civil rights in Guangxi.

第二部分回顾了五十年代农业合作化运动的历程。The second part makes a historical retrospection of the Agricultural Cooperative Movement.

谭中对该书做了介绍并回顾了泰戈尔及其访华故事。Mr. Tan Chung gave a briefing of the book and a retrospection of Tagore and his visits to China.

第六章通过对项目回顾,分析了项目的不足和有待改进之处。And the sixth chapter analyzes the shortcomings and prospects of the project by the retrospection.

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维果茨基的这种“哲学追溯”是从对情绪理论的历史回顾开始的。Vygotsky begins his philosophical exploration with an historical retrospection of theories of emotions.

方法回顾性分析14例植入性胎盘患者经腹部超声检测的情况。Methods The results of ultrasonography detection for 14 patients with placenta accretawere analysized by retrospection.

本文通过文献复习,就外军和我军伤票历史与使用中存在的问题进行系统回顾分析。This paper made a review of the history of medical tag and the problems of its use based on the literature retrospection.

方法对198例毛细支气管炎进行回顾性分析,并与同期正常对照组208例进行比较。Make retrospection analysis on 198 cases of bronchiolitis children, which are compared to 208 cases of normal control group.

本文对发生于世纪之交的关于“阶段就业”、“妇女回家”的大讨论进行了全景式的回顾和讨论。This paper take a panoramic retrospection and dissection about the trans-century's debate which"Staged Employment" and"Women.

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每当一个世纪之交,总会引发人们的心理焦虑及其反思,尤其是人们同益深切的孤独感受。Every transition of centuries always intrigues people" s anxiety and retrospection in, especially more feeling of loneliness."

本篇故事是作者对自身工作经验的观察整理与反省,描述协助组合屋弱势妇女的故事。The present story is an observation and retrospection of the author's own job-a description of help to a under-privileged woman.

您刚才在演讲中对美国建设民主,自由的历史进行了一个比较自豪的回顾,而且对中国也发表了一些建议性的意见。In your address just now you made a very proud review and retrospection of the history of the American democracy in human rights.

奥运会的不朽精神,是整个人类对健康童年和世界文明的永恒追忆。The enduring spirits of the Olympic Games is the eternal retrospection of healthy childhood of human beings and world civilization.

孔子在理想人格的实践中,提出了立志、学习、克己和修己、内省等几种途径。In the practice of the personality, Confucian put forth ways of determination, study, self- constraint, self- revision, retrospection and so forth.

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这一部分主要介绍了论文写作意义、学术史回顾、论文写作方法及论文创新之处。This part mainly introduces the significance of the thesis, the retrospection of the academic history, the writing skills and the innovation of the thesis.

结合历史回顾与成因分析,在肯定“经典”重大作用的基础上讨论走出“经典”的必要性与可行方法。With the retrospection of the plans and their significant factors, the necessity and the methods of getting out of the " formularized plans" are discussed.

较为详细地回顾了流形学习中非线性维数约简方法,分析了它们各自的优势和不足。A detailed retrospection was made on nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods in manifold learning, whose advantages and defects were pointed out respectively.