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在此需要注意一个具有重要意义的细节。This is a Beltway detail of major significance.

要是议员涉足丑闻,他的亨通仕途就此终结了。Senator in a scandal he’ll loose his beltway to the fast track.

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是的,影响不仅是在环城高速内部。That's right. The effect is not going to be isolated inside the Beltway.

1967年边界的以色列就是华盛顿环城公路的一半宽度。Israel on the 1967 lines would be half the width of the Washington Beltway.

在这条窄路上开车很危险。特别是拥堵的时候。The beltway is very dangerous to drive on, especially during the rush hour.

存留的经济问题或可加剧华府政治权贵对他的嫌怨。Continued economic problems may intensify resentment of the Beltway fat cats.

华府的专家学者认为,戈尔和小布什都是中间派,无论谁执政,出台的方针政策都会差不多。Beltway pundits believed Al Gore and George W. Bush were centrists who would govern similarly.

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就连华府领导阶层也应该深知这一点——当他们看到大学毕业的子女仍然住在家里的时候。Even the Beltway leadership class should know better when they see their own college-educated kids still living at home.

论文以哈尔滨绕城高速天恒山隧道工程为背景,对寒区大断面土质隧道位移进行了系统研究。This paper researches the displacement of large section soil tunnel in cold regions based on Tian Hengshan high-speed beltway in Harbin.

这个故事摘自去年的头版头条,当时酒引发了农民与政府的自相残杀。The story could have been taken from last year's headlines when ethanol sparked an internecine war in both the Corn Belt and the Beltway.

与所有财大气粗的垄断机构一样,他们花费数百万在华盛顿聘请高价说客以及公关团队,服务于自己的的直接利益。Like all rich monopolists, they spend millions hiring high priced lobbyists and public relations teams inside the Beltway -- for their direct benefit

为了解决这个问题,内阁的经济学家已经在寻求增长赋税和消减开支的方法——即使经济依然很困难。To address this issue, economists inside the Beltway are already looking for ways to raise taxes and cut spending -- even though the economy is still struggling.

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打算在近期回爱达荷州家,豪威尔跟朋友开玩笑说,他会给一同实习的朋友待爱达荷的特产土豆。While planning atrip home to Idaho recently, Mr. Howell joked with friends that upon his returnhe would provide his Beltway buddies with original Idaho potatoes.

很多华府内部人士认为,尽管反对派的声势不小,绿色运动很久以前已经失败了,不值得美国再冒险进一步孤立伊朗政权。Many inside the Washington Beltway believe that, despite the current flare-up, the Green Movement is long dead and not worth the risk of further alienating the Iranian regime.

正在建设中的成德绵高速、成都第二绕城高速将彭州与成都周边12县市和绵阳、德阳等城市紧密连接。The constructing Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang high way and the second high-speed beltway of Chengdu are closely connected with the surrounding 12 counties and other cities like Mianyang and Deyang.