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每周放纵一天奖励自己。Reward yourself with one binge day per week.

诊断和治疗的狂欢饮食失调症。Diagnosis and treatment of binge eating disorder.

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婴儿潮这一代人无休止地享受高消费。The baby boomers enjoyed an incredible spending binge.

一名中国男子在三天三夜的游戏狂欢之后,死掉了。A man from China died after his three day gaming binge.

最后,我们还是要摆脱这种过度举债。Eventually, we have to get off this binge of borrowing.

放纵的这一天你可以吃任何你想要的东西。A binge day is one day where you can eat whatever you want.

拥有大约7000名员工的百度现在还在广招人马。With about 7,000 employees, Baidu also is on a hiring binge.

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在放纵玩电脑游戏30小时之后,一个高中学生死了。A high school student dies after 30-hour computer gaming binge.

很多生活在压力之中的人倾向于要么茶不思饭不想,要么就使劲吃。Many people who lead stressful lives tend to skip meals and binge.

地方政府在2009-10年度借贷的大幅增加是用土地作为主要抵押的。Their 2009-10 borrowing binge used land as its main form of collateral.

轻浮无聊之处,饮酒狂欢之兴即起。Somewhere in the course of all that frivolity, binge drinking may occur.

昨晚他们出去饮酒作乐,直到今晨3点钟才回来。They went on a binge last night and didn't get back until 3in the morning.

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狂饮糖的饥饿大鼠在它们的脑中激起了多巴胺巨浪。Hungry rats that binge on sugar provoke a surge of dopamine in their brains.

把房子放到市场上出售之前,我整整打扫了三天卫生。I went on a three-day cleaning binge before putting the house on the market.

在你辛苦计划之后你可以每周放纵一天奖励自己。After all your hard work you can reward yourself with one binge day per week.

像美国这样的发达国家靠举债狂热消费的情况已成为历史。The debt-fueled consumption binge in developed countries like America is over.

在他权力鼎盛时期,这位三十三岁的征服者在一次狂欢饮宴之后丧生。At the height of his power, the 33-year-old conqueror died following a drunken binge.

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如果是的话,你满足拟议的新诊断“暴食症”的标准。If so, you meet the criteria for theproposed new condition of "binge eating disorder".

研究人员说,这是大部分男性暴食症患者都无法被发现的一个原因。That, say researchers is one of the reasons male binge eating is largely unrecognized.

研究人员说暴饮暴食不太可能会导致基因变异。Researchers said that it is unlikely that binge eating would lead to the gene variants.