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她甚至可以不只吃犹太食品。She could even eat food that wasn’t kosher.

这是犹太龙泡芙最喜欢的犹太传统食品。It's Puff the Jewish Dragon's favorite kosher dish.

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但直到2009年之前它一直被当成犹太食品。But it wasn't until 2009 that it was certified Kosher.

这是家礼品店,还有安装wi-fi的犹太餐馆。The store is a gift shop, and a kosher café with Wi-Fi.

这种犹太教允许饮用的红酒有着成熟洋李的芬芳。The kosher wine has ripe plum flavors and a spicy finish.

迪克斯坦说,这是只有在巴尔的摩犹太甜甜圈店。Dickstein says it's the only kosher donut shop in Baltimore.

你可以用数学分析,说这是完全合理的吗?Can you show me mathematically that that is completely kosher?

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我们没有什么正宗以色列猪肉”他说,之后我把照片发了给他。Duran asked. "Pork cannot be kosher. " So Ie-mailed him the photo.

只有在通过“洁食”认证后方可在产品标签上使用OU标记。Products are endorsed as Kosher only when bearing the OU emblem on the label.

博大精深的圣经和犹太法典构成了洁食律法的主要内容。This vast array of Biblical and Rabbinic literature comprises the body of Kosher law.

洁食认证过程需要生产人员的紧密配合。The maintenance of a kosher program requires the close involvement of production people.

这是由德国面包师推广开来的一种上面撒有犹太盐和葛缕子的圆面包卷。German-born bakers popularized this round roll topped with kosher salt and caraway seeds.

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很多犹太人并不遵守圣经教条,但他们会因为文化和历史原因不吃猪肉。Many Jews who ignore other kosher rules will not eat pork for cultural and historical reasons.

合成材料素食者也可以吃,而且符合清真食品和犹太食品的规定。The synthetic stuff can also be eaten by vegans and is considered by most to be halal and kosher.

根底洁食请求-这本书的开端是向读者引见犹太洁食法令和理论的一个章节。Basic Kashrus – Leading off the book is a section introducing the reader to Kosher Laws and Theory.

所有向我们提交的资料,我们都将履行保密义务。All information submitted to the SKS Shatz Kosher Services will be kept in the strictest confidence.

6夸脱的水放一小抓盐。Use about a handful of Kosher salt for each six quarts of water — depending on the size of your hands.

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对那些除了割礼和洁食还想增加例规的加拉太人,保罗给了他们什么答案?Paul's answer,what was Paul's answer to people in Galatians who wanted to add on circumcision and kosher?

在烤肉前,撒一些粗盐在上面,你会看到不同的结果。Before grilling meats and roasting poultry, sprinkle on the Kosher salt and see what a difference it makes.

在新泽西蒂内克一家已有80年历史的犹太面包房,理查德·海斯勒是这家店的第四代面包师。Fourth-generation baker Richard Heisler is the owner of this 80-year-old kosher bakery in Teaneck New Jersey.