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他是位孜孜不倦努力不懈的人。He is a man of untiring industry.

而且,他是一个不知疲倦的艺术家。Added to this, he is an untiring artist.

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而且,他是一个不知疲倦的工人。Added to this, he is an untiring worker.

他是个不知疲倦的经济改革的倡导者。He was an untiring advocate of economic reform.

由于他不倦的努力,他设法取得提升。Due to his untiring efforts, he managed to get a promotion.

灯火一熄,这些不知疲倦的爱咬东西的家伙就开始闹将起来。As soon as the lights were out, these untiring nibblers set to work.

具有不知疲倦的、在崎岖的地形下长时间工作的能力。Untiring ability to work and cover rough terrain for long periods of time.

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我们决不要辜负老师的谆谆教导。We must never be unworthy of our teachers' untiring and sincere teachings.

更感谢我们可亲可敬的英语老师对我们循循善诱的教导。And we much appreciate our English teachers' untiring and sincere teachings.

唯有坚定的信心与不懈的努力才是通往胜利的独木桥。Only firm confidence and untiring efforts is the difficult path leading to victory.

一是他许多年来坚守在绘画领域,沉潜探索,不懈追求,对绘画保持着充沛的热情。First, as a painter, he pursues his art with great passion and untiring exploration.

没有一个参赛者能追上那个不知疲倦的领跑者。None of the competitors could catch up with the untiring runner who was in the lead.

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勇敢,大胆,几乎到了凶猛点,他们不知疲倦和耐痛。Courageous, bold, almost to the point of ferocity, they were untiring and resistant to pain.

但以创作室内装饰艺术作为不懈追求的佳易人是幸福的。But the staff of Jiayi Company in their untiring pursuit of interior decoration art is happy.

“创造精品,追求卓越”是新欣企业始终不懈的信念。It is untiring conviction of"XIX"Enterprise that creating precision and pursuing outstanding.

但在这一天到来之前,那不知疲倦的快乐和悲伤都是它们的专利,是它们的魅力所在。But until that day their untiring joys and sorrows must ever be one-half of their fascination.

在这方面你将受到赞扬,关于不懈的为地球带来光明的努力。In that respect you are to be complimented for your untiring work to bring Light to the Earth.

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想彻底终结它们很可能要在军事,政治和外交上不懈地奋斗几十年才行。Putting them out is likely to take decades of untiring military, political and diplomatic efforts.

把那些封存在记忆里,政府已经不知疲惫的通过他们的努力达到独立的目标。Keeping that in mind, the Government has been untiring in its efforts to achieve the objectives of Independence.

典藏生命中的每一次精彩时刻是龙泽润宝的不懈追求。Classical-collection in the life excellent moment whether dragon pool moisten untiring pursuit of treasure each time.