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问问你的朋友,他会向你证实这一点的。Your friend will corroborate this – ask them.

奥特先生表示最近的数据也符合这些趋势。Mr Autor says that more recent data corroborate these trends.

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为了我们更加健康的肾脏,读者也可以通过google来搜索到更多有用的信息。To healthy kidneys!!! google for more information to corroborate.

但检方说,他们找不到任何证据证明这种接触是被迫的。But prosecutors said they found nothing to corroborate that it was forced.

我们有两位证人能证实科妮的指控。其中一个还是你的妻子。We've got two witnesses who can corroborate Cori's story. One of them is your wife.

临床医生极易把你说的和你的家庭成员联系在一起。The clinician will most likely want to corroborate what you say with a family member.

金融危机似乎也证明印度有能力熬过全球性的经济衰退。The financial crisis tends to corroborate its ability to muddle through a global recession.

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在更高的目种的附加的评价必须被完成赞助效验。Additional assessments in higher order species must be accomplished to corroborate efficacy.

当局还找回了一部看起来能证实其大部分证词的卫星电话。Authorities have also recovered a satellite phone that appears to corroborate much of his testimony.

警方认为没有证据可以支持戴维斯被抢劫的说法。Police officials say no witnesses have turned up who corroborate Davis' claim that he was being robbed.

此外,本研究还证明了前人禾本科植物的浆片和双子叶植物中花瓣是同源器官的观点。Moreover, our findings corroborate the view that the lodicules of grasses are homologous to eudicot petals.

她的结果说明配对编程是有益的,但是需要更多的数据以证实她的决定。Her results indicated that pair programming was beneficial, but more data was needed to corroborate her findings.

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这有助于证实全球定位系统的卫星位置,为地学家测量地球大陆板块漂移,提供了一种新手段。This helps corroborate GPS satellite status and gives geodetic scientists a new way to gauge tectonic plate movement.

但这至少证实了归并排序,的时间复杂度为。It at least does corroborate the claim that merge sort N*log N as we argue intuitively is in fact, N log N in running time.

通过分析,进一步印证了企业文化是最新、最前沿的管理理论。Pass to analyze, and it is latest to corroborate the business enterprise culture further, most ex- Along of management theories.

同时,研究人员也指出,调查中仅有44名孕妇出现早产,因此需要更多的研究来证实这个发现。Only 44 of the women, however, gave birth prematurely, and the researchers said more work was needed to corroborate their findings.

为了证实这种联系,作者对整个后续期试验确诊肺癌的人数进行了估计。In order to corroborate this association, the authors evaluated the number of lung cancers diagnosed in the trial over the whole follow-up period.

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作者列举出了可生成的各项内容以证明敏捷过程的结构化、可重复性以及可追踪性等特点。The author lists various artifacts that should be generated to corroborate the agile process to ensure it is structured, repeatable and traceable.

波兰克拉科夫的研究对纽约的发现进行了验证,孩子低智商与其母亲处在化石燃料燃烧产生物的环境中有关系。Study in Krakow, Poland, corroborate NYC findings that links children's lower IQ scores with mothers' exposure to compounds created by burning of fossil fuels

在用例模型的建立过程中,用例、角色和用例模型的确定直接关系到系统设计的质量。In the course of establishing the usecase modeling , How to corroborate usecase, user and usecase modeling have a direct influence to the quality of system design.