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肯普突然感到一阵恐惧。Kemp felt a spasm of fear.

康普先生是他同时代最杰出的共和党人之一。Mr Kemp was one of the most prominent Republicans of his generation.

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其他艺术批评家也认为坎普屈从于幻想。Other art critics have suggested that Kemp has succumbed to a fantasy.

甘普是在星期三未得到预先说明参观阳台的人中的一名。Kemp was among the visitors who got a sneak preview of the balconies Wednesday.

而她在爱情上也是颇为得意,和男友马特-坎普很是恩爱。And her love life certainly seems on the up, judging by how openly adoring boyfriend Matt Kemp is.

和马特?坎普的这段恋情,是蕾哈娜继2009年2月和克里斯?布朗争斗导致离婚后的第一段感情。The Kemp romance was the singer's first since she split from Chris Brown following a fight in February, 2009.

事实上,阿查法拉亚河正处在洪水泛滥时期,因此这个计划应该能带来一次受欢迎的河水分流。In fact, the Atchafalaya River is flooding right now, Kemp said, so the plan could represent a welcome diversion.

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格里芬打算在周围制止恐怖时,以肯普家作为活动基地。肯普认为格里芬疯了。Griffin planned to use Kemp's house as a headquarter while terrorizing the neighborhood. Kemp believed Griffin mad.

两人之后分手,蕾哈娜继续她的生活,现在在与洛杉矶道奇棒球明星马特肯普交往。The two split afterwards, and Rihanna has moved on and is currently dating Los Angeles Dodgers baseball star Matt Kemp.

莎拉·坎普注册相亲网站时,只是想找一个和她有许多共同点的人。When Sarah Kemp signed up to a website looking for love her dream was to find someone with whom she had a lot in common.

肯普立即派人去请来艾迪上校。正当他们在讨论一切可能做到的预防措施时,从窗外扔进了许多石头。Kemp sent AT once for Colonel Adye. While they were discussing possible precautions, stones were hurled through the windows.

坎普称他首先想到的是,这个发现“好得令人难以置信——从事了40年的达·芬奇研究工作,我以为自己看到了一切”。Kemp said he first thought the find was "too good to be true – after 40 years in the Leonardo business I thought I'd seen it all".

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金牌家具五金是一家专业开发、研制、生产家具五金配件的企业。KEMP hardware furniture is is a company which specializes in developing , researching and producing the furniture hardware fitting.

莎拉和乔治出生在肯特郡的阿什福德,他们和父亲大卫·本特利以及母亲费莉茜特住在一起,度过了田园牧歌般的童年。Mrs Kemp and Mr Bentley were born in Ashford, Kent, where they spent an ‘idyllic childhood’ with parents Felicity and David Bentley.

本人一向认为他就是卡尔·马龙与肖恩·坎普的完美结合体,你有曾想过如果邮差拥有雨人的弹跳将会是什么样子吗?I mean, the guy is like a combination of Karl Malone and Shawn Kemp. Did you ever wonder what it would look like if Karl Malone could jump like Shawn Kemp?

肯普抓住了格里芬的两只胳臂。一个警官抓住了他的双腿。有人用铲刀在空中砍下去了。扭动着的隐身人终于瘫倒在地上。Kemp got hold of Griffin's arms. A constable seized his legs. Someone struck through the air with a spade. The writhing unseen figure sagged to the ground.

坎普和卡普兰均表示,在未来的几十年中,将会有更多的女性奋战在战争前线,而根据此项调查,这也意味着女性的自杀率会随之上升。In the coming decades, both Kemp and Kaplan say, more women will work on the frontlines of war. An increase in female suicide, this study suggests, is likely to follow.

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情况相似的还有雨人坎普。他最初9个赛季为超音速效力,此后职业生涯的6个赛季先后替骑士、开拓者和魔术队打球。Same situation for Shawn Kemp who played 9 seasons for the Seattle Supersonic until playing for the Cavaliers, Trailblazers and Magic for the next 6 years of his career.

作为专业园丁花卉专家和观看演示了如何种植和秋季,盛开在这个自由对家庭园艺在线视频美人蕉罗伯特肯普灯泡护理。Watch as a flower expert and professional gardener demonstrates how to plant and care for fall-blooming Canna Robert Kemp bulbs in this free online video about home gardening.

杰克.康普却持完全相反的观点.对他来说,将来总比现在和过去要好----假设政府不挡路的话。Jack Kemp had exactly the opposite point of view. For him the future always promised to be better than both the present and the past—provided that the government would just get out of the way.