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罗曼已经指定阿弗拉姆接替伟大的穆里尼奥。Roman has appointed Avram as the replacement for mighty Mourinho.

切尔西已经委任阿夫兰姆-格兰特为他们的新任足球主管。Chelsea have appointed Avram Grant as their new director of football.

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蓝军在周六解雇了阿弗拉木-格兰特,但是并没有立刻确定代替者。The Blues sacked Avram Grant on Saturday without having an immediate replacement.

切尔西主帅格兰特承认他是阿内尔卡和贝尔巴托夫这对“搭档”的粉丝。Chelsea manager Avram Grant admits he is a fan of strike duo Nicolas Anelka and Dimitar Berbatov.

格兰特坚持声称,如果他能再早一点从穆帅手里结果教鞭,那切尔西就不会失去冠军。AVRAM GRANT insists Chelsea would have won the title if he had taken over sooner from Jose Mourinho.

上周,切尔西主帅阿夫兰。格兰特讽刺那些批评他的人下刀过快。Last week, Chelsea manager Avram Grant pleaded for his detractors not to be so quick with the knife.

前切尔西的球员强调格兰特的球员在这场争取宝贵三分比赛笑到了最后。The former Chelsea player insists Avram Grant's men had the last laugh by earning their valuable win.

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我非常期盼着与阿夫拉姆一起工作,同时切尔西的风格也十分适合我的特点。I am really looking forward to working with Avram and Chelsea's style of football really suits my game.

“如果戈兰特要走,那时他自己的决定。但我与他之间并没有什么问题。”,雷德纳普说。"If Avram wants to go, it will be his decision. But I haven't got a problem with Avram, " Redknapp said.

拉法-贝尼特斯表扬格兰特在朴斯茅斯内忧外患的情况下所作的工作。Rafa Benitez has praised Avram Grant for the job he is doing under difficult circumstances at Portsmouth.

很多球队还没有和后穆里尼奥时代的切尔西交过手。你们了解格兰特的切尔西吗?Many expected them to struggle without Jose but they haven't. What are you making of Avram Grant's Chelsea?

埃弗拉姆在赎罪日战争中受到关押和折磨,症状再不能消除了。The fever has taken its toll. Avram has never recovered from imprisonment and torture in the Yom Kippur war.

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哈里雷德纳普不会阻挡任何来自切尔西的对本队技术指导戈兰特的动作。Harry Redknapp will not stand in the way of any move from Chelsea for Portsmouth technical director Avram Grant.

当格兰特终结了我们对阿森纳9个月的不败战绩时,沮丧之情不言自明。Depression sets in as we contemplate the fact that Avram Grant has ended our 9-month unbeaten run against Arsenal.

莫业斯站了出来支持格兰特,并且说西汉姆的被攻击的主教练是被太差地对待了。David Moyes has come out in support of Avram Grant and claimed West Ham's under-fire manager has been treated badly.

格兰特执教的切尔西这边在斯坦福桥球场1-1打平了博尔顿,而且损失了他们的队长,受伤的泰利。Avram Grant\\\\\\\'s side drew 1-1 with Bolton Wanderers at Stamford Bridge and lost their captain John Terry to injury.

尽管巴恩斯利及布里斯托城等低级别球队仍在参加下一轮足总杯比赛,但是鲁尼更渴望在下轮遇上格兰特的切尔西。Minnows Barnsley and Bristol City remain in the competition, but Rooney would prefer a tussle with Avram Grant's Chelsea.

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格兰特的球队近四场英超联赛保持不败,这是他们自2009年4月以来最长的不败纪录了。Avram Grant's men are unbeaten in their last four Barclays Premier League matches, their longest undefeated run since April 2009.

尽管阿布可能会让朴茨茅斯的教练阿伍海姆-格兰特辅佐穆里尼奥,但穆帅已经公开表示支持卡拉克。Mourinho has publicly stood by Clarke, despite Abramovich's attempt to bring in Portsmouth coach Avram Grant to work alongside him.

在马丁奥尼尔拒绝执教铁锤帮后,西汉姆联董事会就开始支持现任主帅格兰特。The Hammers board have backed manager Avram Grant after Martin O'Neill rejected the chance to take the manager's job at Upton Park.