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工作上缺乏同事的支持。Absence of abet from colleagues in your work.

我们要毫不退缩地严厉打击恐怖分子及其帮凶。We shall strike hard, without flinching, at terrorists and those who abet them.

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这样神学能实际上教唆好,增加一个愉快的结尾的机会。Such a theology could actually abet the good, increase the chances of a happy ending.

找出环境因素并减少其对于赌博问题的影响同样重要,她补充说。Identification of environmental factors that abet problem gambling is likewise crucial, she noted.

货币政策目标是援助和教唆坚实经济增长与上升的生存标准一起。Monetary policy goals are to aid and abet solid economic growth along with rising living standards.

这意味着低花费和更快的交易,但它同时也怂恿并教唆了当前的危机。That's meant lower costs and faster trading, but it has also helped aid and abet the current crisis.

同时,旅游活动的勃兴促进了消费,繁荣了经济,丰富了人民生活,但也助长了奢侈之风。The vigorous tour activities promote consumption, flourish economy, enrich people's life, and abet luxury as well.

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试图从必要条件和充分条件的角度来分析概念,即便失败了,也能有所发现。Attempted analyses of concepts in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, even where they fail, abet discovery.

在精神文化上,助长腐朽思想,动摇并瓦解群众信念,构成对执政党离心离德的倾向。In spirit and culture, it will abet decadent idea, shake people's faith, led to dissension and discord to the party in power.

显然继续以简易爆炸装置和其他武器援助和教唆什叶派和逊尼派叛军组织的伊朗是什么?And what of Iran, which apparently continues to aid and abet both Shi'ite and Sunni insurgent groups with IEDS and other weapons?

更可恶的是连黑斑小不点儿也被教唆出洞,就连那斑点狗来了也懒得瞧你一眼。More abhorrent is to connect shading very small also by abet unkennel, came to even that stain dog also be disinclined look you are one.

舅母伙同“造反兵团”拉拢腐蚀小帆,唆使他成了“造反派”的典型,炸毁了铁桥。Aunt in collusion with " rebellious corps " hook in corrodes little sail, abet he was become " rebel group " typical, blew up iron bridge.

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同谋的,帮凶的在犯罪前或犯罪后帮助、教唆违法者,但实施犯罪时不在现场正在加载用户记忆法…Serving to aid or abet a lawbreaker, either before or after the commission of the crime, without being present at the time the crime was committed.

作为资深媒体人,市民严先生担心“这样会助长公职人员在工作时间上网聊天的弊病”。" regard senior media as the person, citizen severe gentleman is afraid " personnel of such can abet service get online in working hours chatting malady ".

实际上,尽管工程与技术鉴定委员会鉴定了美国的许多工业工程和工业工程与技术项目,但这些项目之间仍然存在很大的区别和灵活性。In fact , even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States , there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs.

身份者教唆、帮助不具有该身份者实施身份犯罪的定性是法律实践与理论探讨的难点。It's difficult point for justice and theory that how to determine the nature of the crime that persons with certain identity abet or help others without this identity.

他们对巴基斯坦或也门这两个至少还算是正常国家构成的威胁远大于对西方的威胁,虽然这两个国家的国家意识形态和国家机关一直在煽动支持恐怖主义。They are surely less of a danger to the West than Pakistan or Yemen, both at least somewhat functional countries where state ideology and state institutions abet terrorists.

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在小姑子的挑唆下,小草与婆婆的距离瞬间拉远,尽管她依然执着担负着儿媳的责任。Below the abet of small sister-in-law, the distance of small grass and mother-in-law is pulled for an instant far, although she still the responsibility that persistence is bearing a daughter-in-law.