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哪里卖纯种松狮啊?Where to sell purebred chow ah?

他们只知道马利是条纯种拉布拉多犬。All they knew was that this Lab was a purebred.

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这个关于纯血犬展示说明了什么?。What does this say about exhibiting purebred dogs?

我们销售许多宝贵的纯种宠物。We have lots of valuable and purebred pets for sale.

纯种马比杂交马的价格昂贵得多。Purebred horses are much more expensive than mixed breeds.

我们不能肯定纯种狗是否会和其主人越来越相似。This means we can't yet be sure purebred dogs resemble their owners.

汪汪过量可发生于纯种犬以及混合品种。Excessive barking can occur in purebred dogs as well as mixed breeds.

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不到他们长大的时候没有任何保证您能买到一只纯种狗。There is no guarantee you will get a purebred dog if that's what you're after.

鉴别宠物品种——纯种宠物非常名贵,如果你能鉴别它们的品种,就可以挣钱了。Pet breeding — Purebred pets can be quite value, especially if you can verify their pedigree.

奥巴马总统选择这只纯种犬作为新的家庭宠物,算是信守了还是打破了竞选承诺呢?Did President Obama keep or break a campaign promise in picking the purebred as the family's new pet?

纯种德国牧羊犬不适合拉雪撬﹐其它带进来的驯化种也不适合。Purebred German Shepherds are poor sled pulling dogs as are the other domesticated breeds brought in.

我爸爸是只纯种的哈巴狗,妈妈则是只得过奖的比格犬,我就是只哈巴小猎狗啦。Personally, my father was a purebred pug and my mother was an award-winning beagle, making me a Puggle.

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可以安全地用于任何色系的狗狗,还原纯种爱犬自然活力。Can be used for the dog that any color tethers securelyly, natural vigour of deoxidation purebred pet dog.

一个多星期前被持枪者偷去的四只纯种约克郡狗已经被找回来还给他们的主人。Four purebred Yorkshire terriers stolen at gunpoint more than a week ago have been reunited with their owners.

蜝山公司拟从国外购买纯种杜洛克,长白,大白种猪950头。SQ plans to buy, from the world swine market, 950 head of purebred pigs of breeds duroc, landrace, and Yorkshire.

他相信亚特兰蒂斯不仅存在,而德国所谓纯种的雅利安人就是亚特兰蒂斯人的后代。He believes Atlantis is not only exist, and the so-called purebred German Atlantis is the descendants of the Aryans.

研究也显示许多看来“纯种”的民族其祖先起源自不止一个大陆。The studies also show that many seemingly "purebred" ethnic groups have ancestry traceable to more than one continent.

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本人着力探讨、研究郫县豆瓣的产品特点、工艺特征、纯种分离及生产应用。In this research, the author discussed the product characteristics, process characteristics and purebred of Pixian Douban.

家养纯种德国牧羊犬,18个月大,有血统,种公对外借配,价格面议,有意者请电话联系。Domestic purebred German shepherd dog, 18 months old, race, a loan with the public, price negotiable, interested please call.

纯种犬、警犬比土种犬易感性高,而且病情反应重,死亡率也高。Purebred dogs, police dogs breeding dogs than in soil with high susceptibility and response to heavy disease mortality is also high.