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你的山谷是什么颜色?How grue is your valley?

但是,她同样在周二撤回了提名。But she also with grue Tusedaywithdrew Tuesday.

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绿蓝问题是假说选择问题的一种范型。The grue problem is one of the models of scientific hypothesis choice.

绿蓝悖论是信念接受理论中出现的一种悖谬状态。The grue paradox is the paradoxical state in the theory of belief acceptance.

面对绿蓝悖论的挑战,证伪主义者从定性和定量两方面作了应答。Confronted with the challenge of the grue paradox, the falsifiabilists answer it both in qualitative way and the quantitative one.

周二,总统推举的卫生和公共服务部门的部长人选撤回了他的提名。On Tuesday, the President's president's choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services with grue withdrew his nomination.

本文回顾了古德曼的新归纳之谜的背景,分析了格路谓词的逻辑与语义特征。This paper deals with the background of the celebrated Goodman's new riddle of induction and the logic and semantics of predicate grue.

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波普尔的解决方案在经验层面上诉诸可证伪度标准,或者说潜在证伪者类标准,但该标准没能解决绿蓝问题。Popper solution is to appeal to the rule of falsification degree or latent falsification set at the experience level. But the rule can' solve the grue problem.

波普尔的解决方案在经验层面上诉诸可证伪度标准,或者说潜在证伪者类标准,但该标准没能解决绿蓝问题。Popper's solution is to appeal to the rule of falsification degree or latent falsification set at the experience level. But the rule can't solve the grue problem.

最后,在借鉴著名科学哲学家库恩的范式理论基础上,提出了自己的一种粗浅的解决方案。Finally, based on the theory of paradigm, which put for ward by famous philosopher of science Kuhn, Thomas S. in 1962, the author propose his own superficial solution to grue paradox.

本文回顾了古德曼的新归纳之谜的背景,分析了格路谓词的逻辑与语义特征。This paper deals with the background of the celebrated Goodman's new riddle of induction and the logic and semantics of predicate grue. A Venn's diagram of predicate grue is presented.