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这地图可折成小册子。The map folds up into a booklet.

使用测试手册当作草稿纸。Use your test booklet for scratch paper.

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Corssway想把它印成一本小册子。Crossway wants to put it in a small booklet.

这是我们宾馆的服务信息册。Here is the hotel service information booklet.

这本小册子说明该委员会的职能。This booklet defines the committee's functions.

我手捧一本小册子,坐在一条小河旁。I sit down along a brooklet with a booklet in hand.

这本小册子只谈事实,绝无矫饰。This booklet restricts itself to facts without frills.

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他将他的著作删减为五千字左右的小册子。He slashed his work into a booklet with about 5,000 words.

并且我们加入了局部裁切来令宣传册更加有趣。We add element use die-cut make the booklet more interesting.

我爱你们寄给我的信和小册子,它给了我一个大的惊喜。I love the letters booklet from you, it gave me a big suprise.

请将草稿也写在答题纸背面,交卷前请将草稿部分作一删除记号。All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.

若参加研讨会全程,则包含论文集。If attend the whole conference it will include the proceeding booklet.

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我们同时也有中英对照双月刊的小册子要送给你。We also have a bilingual, bimonthly booklet we would like to give you.

这儿有一份价目单和先容阐明我方产品的小册子。Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products.

补办身份证的时候,无需任何证明,只需带上户口簿即可。Time to re-submit the ID card without any proof, just take your booklet.

本手册后面会探讨这些问题的意义。The significanceof these questions will be discussed later in this booklet.

我没有亲自去数,这些都是我在入口领取的游览宣传册里看到的。I did not count them but the Madurodam booklet I got at the entrance told me.

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所有的JUN-AIR产品都随机配有一本综合的操作手册。All JUN-AIR products are supplied with a comprehensive "Operating manual" booklet.

我们将会在活动当晚向所有参加者派发企业简介。All registrants will receive an attendee profile booklet on the night of the event.

如果工作机会已经确定的话,就要求查看该公司的福利小册子。Ask to see a copy of the company's benefits booklet when an offer has been extended.