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我是天之骄子。I am God's favored one.

这支地方队倍受人喜爱。The local team was favored.

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我生来就有极隹的视力。I am favored with excellent sight.

这也是它们更加有倾向。So that is to say that it is favored.

他的维也纳厨娘也受他的恩宠。He also favored his Viennese diet cook.

经理们通常对此深以为然。This one is generally favored by managers.

艾布瑞妮回以一个不相信的冷笑。Ambreene favored him with a disbelieving sneer.

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我的心是一个被幸运女神眷顾的小土豆。My heart is a little potato favored by Fortune.

他说他支持签署双边协议。He said he favored bilateral arrangements instead.

他们喜爱的一种饮料是热带鸡尾酒。One of their favored drinks is a tropical sangria.

安地斯贸易优惠法已于去年十二月届满。The Andes Favored Trade Act expired last December.

苹果执行长史帝夫•贾伯斯偏爱使用此技巧。This technique is favored by Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

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他的山水画艺术曾得到李璟的垂青。His landscape painting had been favored Z, Li Jing.

我觉得我们的候选人都很出色,但我最看好杜卡基斯。I thought we had a good field, but I favored Dukakis.

这些不死的巨龙是巫妖王大人最爱的宠物。These undead dragons are the Lich King's favored pets.

惠来在微波炉或无线电技术专业。Favored to have major in micro wave or radio technology.

他喜好红与橘红,且偏爱夏威夷衫。He favored red orange and had a thing for Hawaiin shirts.

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韩德胜倾向于达成出售协议,但董事会否决他的意见。Henderson had favored a deal but the board overruled him.

太平洋西北岸为海洋性气候。The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate.

这是典型的青睐大型工业可控硅运营商。It is typically favored by large industrial SCR operators.