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路易斯安那沙拉,还有可口的牛排。Cajun salad, nice steak.

他们演奏了一些卡津音乐。They played some Cajun music.

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路易斯安那州的菜肴,通常都是即咸又辣。Cajun food is often very salty and spicy.

我还尝试做了你的卡津烘肉卷。Oh, I gotta tell you. I made your cajun meatloaf.

克拉伦斯的巴吞鲁日的凯郡和齐德科电台节目。Clarence in Baton Rouge Cajun and radio programs Zydeco.

我有很长一段时间很喜欢凯郡菜和克利欧菜。I've been a fan of Cajun and Creole food for a long time.

如果您喜欢鲶鱼,那麽您可以试试我们凯郡酱三明治。If you like catfish, then you might like our Cajun catfish sandwich.

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以下是我进入美国南方地方菜食品的兴趣点。Here is what I get after entering Cajun Food into the point of interest.

时至今日,卡津音乐不只深受路易斯安那州的居民喜爱,也受到全国民众的喜爱。Today, Cajun music is popular not only in Louisiana but also nationwide.

艾里·勒琼成为复兴法裔美国人音乐的关键人物。Iry Lejeune became a pivotal figure in the revitalization of Cajun music.

配罗马菜心,帕马森芝士粉,银鱼柳和虾串。With heart of Romaine, Parmesan, Anchovy Dressing and Cajun dusted Prawn skewers.

最好的葡萄酒与食品搭配是黑椒卡真袋鼠肉。The highlight and best wine and food match for me was the Blackened cajun Kangaroo.

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甚至Ragin的牛仔裤和运动鞋交谈卡津思想在椭圆形办公室看起来很别扭。Even the Ragin' Cajun thought jeans and Converse sneakers looked odd in the Oval Office.

花生奶油太妃糖,热蜂蜜,蜂蜜烤玉米棒和卡津芝麻混合。Butter Toffee Peanuts, Hot Peanuts, Honey Peanuts, Cajun Corn Sticks, Honey Roasted Sesame Sticks.

在上面放上用2汤匙无脂纯酸奶淋过的小烤马铃薯,再撒上阿卡迪亚烹饪风格的调味料。Top a small baked potato with 2 tablespoons fat-free plain yogurt and sprinkle with Cajun seasoning.

其他包括团体,全能艺术家表演的克里奥尔语和路易斯安那州的凯郡文化的音乐。Other Rounder artists include groups that perform the music of the Creole and Cajun cultures of Louisiana.

然后将甘薯切成1英寸后的薄片,然后涂上橄榄油印第安人香料和胡椒粉。Cut sweet potatoes into 1-inch thick slices and toss with olive oil, Cajun seasoning and freshly ground pepper.

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然而新奥尔良在秋葵浓汤基本做法的基础上又发明了无数种新的做法,从经典的克立奥尔风格到刺激的凯真风格不一而足。But New Orleans serves up countless variations of the basic gumbo recipe, from classic Creole style to pungent Cajun.

这场暴风雨也袭击了新奥尔良,且严重破坏了路易斯安那州的湿地,其中有印度Houma和法国的殖民地。The storm also flooded New Orleans and extensively damaged Houma Indian and Cajun settlements in the Louisiana marshes.

使用热酱汁、莎莎酱、奇津调味料代替黄油、奶油或含糖酱汁。Use flavorings such as hot sauce, salsa, and Cajun seasonings instead of relying on butter and creamy or sugary sauces.