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我可以和潴潴讲话吗?Could I speak to Dodo?

渡渡鸟就是其中的一种。The dodo is one of them.

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那我们怎么甩掉这个糊涂蛋?So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?

渡渡鸟到底有几斤重啊?How Much On Earth Did The Dodo Weigh?

渡渡鸟完全消失。By 1681, the dodo disappeared completely.

对,那我们怎么甩掉这个糊涂蛋?Right So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?

“她发奖。”渡渡鸟望着爱丽丝说。"She is, " the Dodo said, looking at Alice.

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据说最后一只渡渡鸟死于1681年。The last dodo bird was said to have died in 1681.

可是他觉得他不久会把多多抛弃的。He supposed, though, he would disp se with Dodo soon.

2020年前,匿名上网这种形式是否会消失?Will Online Anonymity Have Gone the Way of the Dodo by2020?

渡渡鸟应身系一签,其云“让我彻底升天吧”。The dodo should just have a sign on him that says, “Please kill me.”

我们也会配些叫dodo的菜,用你们英语的说法就是油炸车前草。We might have some what we call dodo which is fried plantains in English.

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当渡渡鸟宣布赛跑结束时,参赛动物都来问"谁是赢家"。When the Dodo declared the race finished, contestants asked “But who has won?”

窦窦,是我的祖母,本来是会对我这项工程完全感兴趣的。Dodo , my grandmother, would have taken such a keen interest in this whole project.

军中的勇士有约押的兄弟亚撒黑,伯利恒人朵多的儿子伊勒哈难。The mighty men were Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem.

约阿布的兄弟阿撒耳也是三十勇士中的一位,还有白冷人多多的儿子厄耳哈难。Asael the brother of Joab was one of the thirty, Elehanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem.

枭鹦与绝种的渡渡鸟的生命历史十分相似。Really the kakapo has a very similar life history to that iconic extinct bird the Dodo.

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去年的时候,郑裕玲和吕方分手了,十六年的感情就此终结。Last year, when the DoDo and Lui Fong broke up, and sixteen years of feeling on this end.

我在展会上看到了一款这样的产品,制造商是一家名叫多哚的公司。One such product I saw at the IFA China CE show came from a company called Dlodlo, pronounced "dodo."

欧洲人吃掉了整个毛里求斯岛国,最著名的是消灭了嘟嘟鸟。Europeans ate their way through the island nation of Mauritius, most famously eliminating the dodo bird.