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美国心脏协会建议不超过300毫克每天。The American Heart Association recommends no more than 300 milligram per day.

他们称成年人一次不能摄入超过650毫克的扑热息痛。They said adults should not take more than 650 milligram milligrams at a time.

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一个平均年龄的少女每天约产生半毫克的睾丸酮。An average teenage girl produces around half a milligram of testosterone per day.

证券组合毫克建筑工作室成立于1998年在日本,展示现场。Portfolio showcase site for milligram architectural studio, founded in Japan in 1998.

当注射或吸入少量,仅半毫克的蓖麻毒素就会致死。When injected or inhaled, as little as one-half milligram of ricin is lethal to humans.

离子交换HPLC作为替代方法可以在一小时内生产毫克量的纯化的质粒DNA。Ion exchange HPLC is an alternative that yields milligram quantities of purified plasmid DNA within an hour.

用电生醌分别进行毫克量亚钛和二价钒的库仑滴定,误差为千分之几。Coulometric titrations of milligram quantities of titanous ion and hypovanadous ion give errors less than 1 per cent.

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在许多美国家庭中,科学家发现各种各样烟雾报警器以及其它气相探测器中存在高达1毫克的放射性镅-241。Many American households have as much as a milligram of radioactive americium -241 in the various smoke alarms and other gas-phase detectors found there.

文献报告中虽然已经有合成直链淀粉的成功经验,但是其得率均在毫克的范围,且其聚合度在几百之间。Although the literature has shown that linear amyloses can be synthesized using enzymic techniques, the yields are only in the milligram range and the DPs in the hundreds.

首次提出了一种新的氧化还原电位滴定的终点指示器界面伏打电化学池。A new small-scale interfacial voltaic cell is shown to be satisfactory for potassium permanganate Oxidation-Reduction potentiometric titration in milligram and microgram amounts of the samples.