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它可以包含嵌入的新行。It can contain embedded new lines

细胞被包埋在基质中。The cells were embedded in matrixes.

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这想法在他头脑中根深蒂固了。The idea bacame embedded in his mind.

中国政府正在考虑规范电影植入性广告规则。China mulls rule on embedded ads in film.

这个广告想要传达一些什么信息呢Okay, so what's embedded in this message?

为什么性已经如此深深的印于人心?Why has sex been so deeply embedded in man?

IEI将推出嵌入式无扇PC系统。IEI will feature embedded fanless PC system.

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有时候带果仁夹心,有时候不带。Sometimes with embedded nuts, sometimes not.

一块弹片嵌进墙壁里。A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall.

他把桩深深打进地基下的土中。He embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.

但嵌入式计算是一块难啃的硬骨头。But embedded computing is a tough nut to crack.

他们使你的总钥匙数字在他们里面埋入。They have your passkey number embedded in them.

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所有的语言档案都内嵌在这个封存档中。All language files are embedded in this archive.

什么是血栓性外痔嵌顿?What is thrombus sex external piles is embedded?

如何与嵌入式字符串标记一个字符串?。How to tokenize a string with an embedded string?

这里嵌入了两三个提示。So there were a couple of hints embedded in here.

盖板针布中嵌入了过多的飞花和籽屑。Excessive fly and seed bits embedded on flat wire.

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我发现这两颗子弹头嵌在护壁板里,他说。I found these embedded in the panelling, 'he said.

有一块金属深嵌在她的颅骨内。She had a piece of metal embedded deep in her skull.

您可以使用“点注释”来查询嵌入的对象。You can use "dot notation" to query embedded objects.