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镀金丝网顶端的倒刺。Barbs on the crown of gilded wire.

又黑又瘦的永生被镀成金色。Meager immortality black and gilded.

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糊满了桔子酱的脸惊惶得像头小牛犊。A scared calf's face gilded with marmalade.

大圣庙坛中的老孙金身。A gilded Monkey enshrined in his "Great Sage" temple.

丸药不苦不会加糖衣。If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded.

市长大人坐在他阔气的马车里在后面跟着。The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.

他有许多他那时代的阔气少爷们的笑谈。He had many an anecdote of the gilded youth of his time.

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这把部分镀金的剑柄可能是大海盗“黑胡子”佩剑的剑柄么?Could this partly gilded hilt have held Blackbeard's sword?

新材料如镀金的铜和银线程出现。New materials such as gilded cobber and silvery threads emerged.

例如,银镀金卡柏线程出现的新材料。New materials such as gilded cobber and silvery threads emerged.

窗户透进的夕阳余晖使她的披肩金发闪闪发光。Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder-length blonde hair.

沿着这个大门两侧有十个镀金的青铜大缸。Along the walls flanking the gate the are ten gilded bronze vats.

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描金的福建漆盘子里还放着当天的报。On the gilded Fujian lacquer tray also lay the morning newspaper.

美国报业市场的孕育成熟是在镀金时代形成的。The maturity of newspapering market was formed in the Gilded age.

大昭寺鎏金铜瓦顶和远处的布达拉宫。The gilded bronze-tile roof of Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace in distance.

小精灵把一个金闪闪的小瓶子扔到女巫脚下,随之消失。And dropping a small, gilded bottle at the witch's feet, the spirit vanished.

她为何这样靠近,用她那金色眼睑下的金色眼睛看着我?Wherefore cloth she look at me with her golden eyes under her gilded eyelids?

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他走近了一些,听到牙齿咀嚼着金色燕麦的嘎吱嘎吱声,轻轻地咀嚼着的牙齿。He came nearer and heard a crunching of gilded oats, the gently champing teeth.

屏风画是用水墨或水彩作于不镶边修饰或镶边修饰的纸和丝绸上。Folding screen paintings are in ink or gouache on plain or gilded paper or silk.

然后我来到东正教堂里,小心翼翼地跟在一位佝偻着身子的老太太后面,参观那些镀金圣像。Then I tiptoe around gilded icons in the Orthodox church behind a bent old lady.