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音乐史学是音乐学的一个分支学科。The music historiography is a branch of musicology.

而在西方史学中,谁也没有听说过这件事。Nobody had ever heard of that in Western historiography.

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历史分期是历史编纂的核心问题之一。Periodization is one of the central issues in historiography.

两者都以建设中国的新史学为共同目标。Both of them were aiming at building Chinese new historiography.

司马光离开了传统的使用在中国史学。Sima Guang left the traditional usage in Chinese historiography.

从史学理论角度评价了计量史学对历史研究的影响。Third, an evaluation of the influence of cliometrics on historiography.

水云“诗史”的内容及史学价值。The content of the " history of poetry " of Shuiyun and historiography value.

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波里比阿是西方史学史中备受瞩目的一位杰出历史学家。Polybius is a high-profile historian in the history of western historiography.

这些海外关系的特点,都在史学中得到体现。These new characteristics in foreign relations were reflected in historiography.

塔西佗和班固都为后世留下了丰厚的史学遗产。The heritages of Historiography left behind by Tacitus and Bangu are rish and thick.

希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography.

理想化的研究方法首先解决了计量史学的危机。Idealized research methods to solve the historiography of measurement was first crisis.

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20世纪史学中最耀眼的新星是法国的年鉴学派。Historiography in the 20th century's most dazzling star of the Annales school in France.

白寿彝教授和20世纪中国史学有密切的关系。Professor Bai Shouyi had tight relation to the Chinese historiography of the 20th century.

科学史学派是中国现代史学史上的一个重要学术派别。The scientific history school made an important academic role in Chinese modern historiography.

因此,博杜安的整体史观念是西方史学迈向近代的关键点。Therefore, Baudouin deserves an important place in the tradition of the Western historiography.

它在表现形式上,可以大略地分为历史的与史学的两种。The performance of its form, can be roughly divided into two kinds of history and historiography.

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妇女史的研究是我国史学研究的一个重要组成部分。The study of women's history is an important part of the progress of historiography in new period.

在某种意义上,当代史言说是一种纯粹的政治性话语。In a sense, the statement of the contemporary historiography is a kind of pure political discourse.

这同当时的史官制度和史学发展两者之间有着比较有效的互动关系是分不开的。This was due to the deep relationship between the institution of historiographers and historiography.