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其他国家如果需要,却可能同意这种开放。Other countries could accede to the deal if they wanted.

我以为时光治理是我的强项之一。I accede time administration to be one of my key backbones.

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如果我们同意他们的不合理要求,那将是愚不可及的。It would be the height of folly for us to accede to their unreasonable demands.

目前,男性王室成员相对于他的姐姐拥有对王位的优先继承权。At present, a male royal heir would always accede to the throne ahead of an older sister.

她保持一致的趋向将会促使她同意你的请求,并且带来一份主菜。Her drive to stay consistent will prompt her to accede to your request and bring a main dish.

经现代民间艺术工作者的继承和发展,马勺脸谱已成为中国民间艺术中的珍品。The modern folk art workers accede and develop, Mashao Face has become China's folk art treasures.

不像日本那样,中国不会答应立即对人民币进行一次性的重新估值。However, unlike Japan, China will not accede to calls for a sharp one-off revaluation of the renminbi.

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州长毕竟已经违抗过戴维斯总统的调令,如今为什么要对约翰斯顿将军让步呢?After all, the Governor had defied Jeff Davis' demand for them. Why should he accede to General Johnston?

“请不要恨我不能满足你的愿望,”戴维逊说,露出惆怅的微笑。Please don't bear me malice because I can 't accede to your wish, " said Davidson, with a melancholy smile."

该社区工作站领导得知后,表示不能答应这种无理要求。The community was aware of the leadership of the workstation that can not accede to such unreasonable demands.

但是印度、巴基斯坦和以色列这些核武器拥有国的长期拒绝加入该条约也并不裨益。But the long standing refusal of India, Pakistan, and Israel – all possessors of nuclear weapons – to accede doesn’t help either.

中国决定加入信息技术协议,并就有关事宜开始谈判。In addition, china has decided to accede to the information and technology agreement and started negociations on relevant issues.

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古斯指出,泰国和柬埔寨现在都表示,他们正采取步骤,希望在近期加入禁止集束弹公约。Interestingly, Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future.

在此次会议上,柬埔寨和尼泊尔成为自WTO建立以来首批加入的最不发达成员,对此我们表示欢迎。At this meeting we have welcomed Cambodia and Nepal as the first least-developed countries to accede to the WTO since its establishment.

凡未签署本公约的国家,不论出席过在布鲁塞尔召开的国际会议与否,都可以加入本公约。Non-signatory States may accede to the present Convention whether or not they have been represented at the International Conference at Brussels.

凡未签署本公约的国家,不论出席过在布鲁塞尔召开的国际会议与否,都可以加入本公约。Non-signatory States may accede to the present Convention whether or not they have been represented at the International Conference at Brussels.

护送难民回家失败就等于赞同种族清理,这将给中亚以及其他地方开创一个可怕的先例。Failure to safeguard the refugees’ return would be to accede in an ethnic cleansing that would set a terrible precedent in Central Asia and beyond.

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虽然是不可能的,但是中国还是与美国一道,施压巴基斯坦同意美国主导的阿富汗和平协议。It is extremely unlikely, though, that China will join the U.S. in pressuring Pakistan to accede to the U.S. version of an Afghan peace settlement.

现在需要的是协调国际压力迫使卡尔扎伊接受宪法重置,此举将分散集中在喀布尔的权利。What is needed is concerted international pressure on Mr Karzai to accede to a constitutional rearrangement that decentralises power away from Kabul.

二战后,鉴于公司业务的蒸蒸日上,通用答应与美国汽车工会签订一系列协议,这些协议在多年以后成了通用的不能承受之重。Still, GM was doing well enough after the second world war to accede to the deals with the UAW that, much later, were to become an insupportable burden.