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到了那个时侯,地球的遥测体将遍布整个太阳系。Then, the earth's telemetric body will span the reaches of the solar system.

重点介绍了自主研制的人体血管壁动态信息无线多道遥测电脑装置。A new telemetric device of multi-ways dynamic information is developed based on PC.

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通过实际水情测报项目的应用验证,该水情遥测终端取得了良好的效果。Proved by some hydrologic telemetric projects, the remote terminal unit works well.

本课题设计了一种基于LPC2294微处理器的通用总线智能化水情遥测终端。In this paper we designed an intelligent hydrology telemetric terminal based on LPC2294 MCU.

本文介绍了笔者在OSB-1近海遥测浮标网中采用的三维监督码纠错方法。The coding method mentioned in the paper has been adopted in OSB-1 Offshore Telemetric Data Buoy Net for 3 years.

根据遥测相敏信号特点,介绍两款实用解调方案。Based on the characteristics of telemetric phase sensitive signal, two practical demodulation schemes are introduced.

它出现在医师,技师和科学家信息中,关于不同的遥感监测方法的可能性。It presents to physicians, engineers, and scientists information about the possibilities of different telemetric methods.

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正是这些新技术使新的一代数字遥测地震台网技术性能产品较早发生质的飞跃。It is these new main techniques that make an essential development in the new generation of digital telemetric seismic networks.

水情遥测系统主要对水情信息进行采集和处理,并做出准确的预报和调度。The hydrology telemetric system collects and processes the hydrological information, In order to make exact forecast and dispatch.

随着芯片技术及移动通信技术的发展,研究设计新的无线水情终端设备成为可能。With the development of chip technology and mobile communication technology, study of new wireless telemetric terminal can be possible.

由于水文自然环境的限制,传统测报主要使用数传仪、超短波电台等测报设备。Limited to the environment, the traditional used hydrologic telemetric equipments are Data Transmitter and ultrashort wave transmitter-receiver.

考核运行证明了山西数字遥测地震台网数据传输系统运行可靠。The result of system performance shows that data transmission system adopted in the Telemetric Digital Seismic Network of Shanxi Province is reliable.

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最后将其应用在偏远地区的水情测报系统中,有效完成水文信息的采集和传输。At last, take the new technique into practice, the application of hydrologic telemetric equipment on remote region make gathering water info more efficiency.

本文介绍一种供运动员用的遥测心率监护仪。遥测距离达30米,可用年运动员比赛或训练时的心率测量,也可用于保健心率监护。This paper introduces a portable telemetric monitor for monitoring athlete's heart rate in the match or exercise or in health care at 30 meters telemetric distance.

为减少数字地震观测的间断率,研制了数字化地震遥测子台多功能监测器。In order to reduce the interruption ration in digital earthquake observation, the multifunctional monitor of the digital seismic telemetric substation was developed.

目前“斜井式激光水位测量装置”已广泛用于水库、江河、湖泊等新建水位遥测站中,具有很好的推广价值。At present, the equipment has been widely used in new-constructed hydrological telemetric stations. This equipment promises a very high value in popularization and application.

最后根据六自由度弹道仿真程序仿真的遥测数据和外测数据对模型进行了验证,计算结果证实了模型和算法的正确性与可行性。Finally, the model is tested by simulated telemetric data and exterior data. The results show that the model of initial launched parameter errors separation is correct and feasible.

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本文对常用的通过测中肯电阻标定测震系统的方法进行了分析并提出了改进,以期提高标定工作的精度和速度。With the analysis of the adjustment of telemetric seismic network, we made some improvements on the method of measuring the medium resistance to increase speed and exactness of adjustment.