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这满后背的毛发是对女人们的“致命诱惑”还是要回石器时代的返祖现象?Or a throwback to the Stone Age?

意大利的桔子大战可以追溯到中世纪时期。Italy's Battle of Oranges is a throwback to the Middle Ages.

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使用导盲犬也许是人类最为直接了当的返祖现象。It may be our most direct throwback to the earliest community.

你回首了惠普的往事,让我深有感触。Yeah, so, first of all, it was interesting, you throwback to HP.

他们将自己所处时代的邪恶势力视为”序幕,而非过往”。They saw the evil of their own time “not as throwback but preface”.

在庐山,那个循环播放一部电影的影院变成一个旅游点。In Lushan, the throwback one-movie theater has become its own tourist attraction.

不知什么原因它竟然能够存活下来,这看来是对史前时期的一种返祖现象。It appears to be a throwback to prehistoric times that it has somehow managed to survive.

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“怒吼天尊”全场得到11分,仿佛回到了在2000开拓者和2004年在活塞队的表现。Wallace, who scored 11 points, had a throwback game, circa 2000 Trailblazer or 2004 Piston.

同时,也有人称红歌运动是向中国历史中黑暗时期的残酷倒退。Meanwhile, others say the campaign is a cruel throwback to a dark period in Chinese history.

批评家们对此惊恐不已,他们将其视作苏维埃控制知识分子方法的复辟。Critics are alarmed by what they see as a blatant throwback to Soviet methods of intellectual control.

很多人认为,世博会是一个过时多余的玩意儿,是全球化时代以前的遗存。To many, the idea of a World Expo might seem like a dated, superfluous throwback from some preglobalized age.

沃尔什的举止平淡、镇静而专业,唇上的老派海象胡让人想起过去那些执法者。Walsh's manner was remote, calm and professional, his walrus mustache a throwback to ghosts of law enforcers past.

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他已经为我们奉上了美妙的表演。他拥有一只神奇的左脚,让我们回想起格拉姆·里克斯。He has already been superb for us and he is a bit of a throwback to Graham Rix as a player with his magical left foot.

窗口指导与其说是社会主义的遗留物,还不如说是后战争时代日本集体资本主义制度的仿制品。Window guidance is not a relic of socialism so much as a throwback to Japan’s clubable capitalism of the post-war era.

毛的国防部长向这一支“暴民军”宣布,他们的任务就是摧毁一切旧传统旧思想的复辟行动。Mao's defense minister told the mobs that their mission was destroy every throwback of traditional culture and philosophy.

那年,靠财政赤字支撑消费的美国方式和靠财政盈余创造出口的中国方式争锋相对。This is a throwback to pre-crisis 2007, with American deficit-financed consumption set against Chinese surplus-creating exports.

他们种族中的男性通常有突起的头鳍??这种返祖现象可以追溯到他们在卡米诺海洋中的进化起源。The males of their species often have prominent head-fins, a throwback to their evolutionary roots found in the oceans of Kamino.

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许多年轻人都可以在网上看到任何他们想看的外国节目,对于广电总局的“复古”法令,他们的反应是呵欠连天和随口挖苦。With access to any foreign programme they want online, many have reacted with yawns and sarcastic asides to SARFT's throwback edict.

万华的行动几乎让人回想起上世纪90年代初期的情况,当时企业重组为秃鹫投资者带来了一场盛宴。Wanhua's actions are almost a throwback to the early 1990s, when company reorganisations provided rich pickings for vulture investors.

镜报记者大卫·安德森认为,谁一看见他就认为他是个天才呢,这预示着他把这当作是“这种场面很容易让人回想起很久以前那种经典的两翼打法。The Mirror's David Anderson, who knows talent when he sees it, heralds what he sees as "a real throwback to the days of old fashioned wingers.