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这是个融合的宗教影像,还是基督教的?Is this a syncretic religious vision, or is it a Christian one?

要建立坚定的心体合一,我们首先必须专心。Want to build sturdy heart system syncretic , we above all must absorption.

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和大三阳的在一吃吃睡合一起洗衣会传染吗?And big of 3 this world eating eat sleep wash clothes since syncretic can be you infected?

糖尿病、肾病、高血压、心脏病,四病合一的治疗方法。Diabetic, nephrosis , hypertensive, heart disease, the remedial method of 4 ill syncretic.

你找到了一位世所罕见的奇男子,他灵肉合一,忠贞程度百分百。You found a strange man with world peculiar place, syncretic of his spirit flesh, duteous degree hundred.

但是,当西方科学进入我国后,两种不同科学文化之间的冲突与融合一直延续到了现在。There have been continuously conflicts and syncretic between pragmatic science culture and Western science culture.

此外,精巧多功能的化妆台,也充分发挥了装饰与实用合一功能。In addition, the dresser with muti_function choiceness , developed adornment and practical syncretic function adequately also.

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如过注射了乙肝疫苗和大三阳的在一吃吃睡合一起洗衣会传染吗?If injected too second liver vaccine and big of 3 this world eating eat sleep wash clothes since syncretic can be you infected?

厨房的布置形式根据厨房面积大小来定,可以餐厨分开,也可餐厨合一。Of the kitchen decorate a form to be decided according to kitchen area size, can eat hutch is apart, also but eat hutch syncretic.

客厅与厨房的连接是本案的亮点,同时与餐厅三位合一,开阔了视野。The join of sitting room and kitchen is the window of this case, at the same time with dining-room 3 syncretic , widened eye shot.

中华文明具有强大的熔合力。外来的宗教,无论何时进入中国,总是要被改造。The syncretic power of Chinese civilization remade non-Chinese realigns whenever they entered China, or so it is commonly thought.

这些具体规律包括优势战略制胜规律、技术创新规律、人企合一规律、资本积累规律。These laws include planning development law, technological innovation law, syncretic law of employees and enterprise, capital accumulation law.

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厨餐合一或是厨餐、起居合一的设计,均涉及备餐及用餐两大重要组成部分。Hutch eat syncretic or the design that are syncretic of hutch eat, daily life, all involve equipment eat and have dinner two big main component.

达晨创投执行总裁肖冰认为,这是目前此类并购达成的最重要条件。Da Chen is achieved cast executive president Xiao Bing to think, this is at present this syncretic buys reached the most fundamental requirement.

其移动方式有上下推拉、左右横移、相向对碰、子母合一、当中定位等数十种。Its shift means has fluctuation push-pull, or so sideslip, look to to touching, child mother syncretic , in the center fixed position tens of planting.

中国古代家国合一的族姓统治形式和忠孝一体的哲学观念,是不孝入罪的社会背景。The background in which the unfilial behavior became criminal was both the concept of loyal and filial piety and the syncretic form of country and home.

多方面的技法特质造就了西洋风绘画总体上写实、细腻、平整、浓丽的艺术风格。Under the influence of all these techniques and forms mentioned above, Syncretic painting depicts realistic, exquisite, complanate and flamboyant particularity.

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可活动或可变化的家具也能节省空间,像沙发床的运用、沙发壁柜合一的设计等,都是节省空间的技巧。But activity or transformable furniture also can save a space, resemble sofa bed apply, the design of syncretic of sofa wall ark, it is the skill of economic space.

为了能够快速准确得到武装直升机的位置,信息融合系统使用了多个传感器对目标进行视线交叉定位。In order to get the position of a target quickly and accurately, information syncretic system use several sensors to locate the target by crossing the line of sight.

在美国的其他地方摇滚正在进行剧烈的融合蜕变出一种新的艺术风格,而披头士狂野的电音精神盘旋在这团漩涡之上。There, as elsewhere in the States, rock is currently in the midst of a huge syncretic surge toward a new idiom—and the Beatles' wildly eclectic spirit hovers over it all.