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焊锡时间可以根据不同要求设定。Time of solder can be set.

地面焊料的越南难民。The ground solder for the Vrs.

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量测以吃锡面为选择点。Solder side is chosen to measure.

焊锡条。焊锡丝。锡膏。Article solder. Wire. Solder paste.

他们忘了焊接那些触片。They forget to solder the contacts.

这是为了使焊接至臻完美。This makes for the best solder job.

吃锡不得有中断现象。To solder on path cannot interrupt.

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焊铅锡耐热性优良。Excellent in solder heat resistance.

锡膏,红胶,银浆。Solder Paste, Glue, Aluminium Paste.

适应再流焊与波峰焊。Suit for reflow and wave flow solder.

残留物少,焊点光泽,干净。Less residue, shinny and clean solder spot.

使用砝琅高焊焊接戒指与六角形戒面。Solder the ring to the hexagon with IT solder.

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在测试电镀镀层的焊锡能力。In the test the solder ability plating coating.

LVDS四驱动程序。牵头完成热焊蘸。LVDS quad driver. Lead finish hot solder dipped.

这种理想的连结方式,让其它各类接合方式瞠乎其后。An ideal connection that puts any solder to shame.

使用异方性导电膜或异方性导电胶的无铅焊料?。Is any ACF or ACP with lead-free solder particle used?

表面焊装工艺不同,其焊盘的尺寸就不同。Pad sizes depend on surface-mount solder technologies.

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产品包装是否使用了铝铅连接焊料?Do you use any aluminum lead-bearing solder for packaging?

于专为锡膏设计的设备中使用。Equipment specifically designed for use with solder paste.

如锡珠,助焊剂痕迹,夹抓纹之清理。For example of solder ball, flux residues, clamping marks.