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我们居住在陕西街93号。We live at 93 Shanxi Street Now.

欢迎光临山西国贸大饭店。Welcome to Shanxi World Trade Hotel.

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河南省在山西的东南边。Province is on the southeast of Shanxi.

而醋在山西人的生活中是排在前面的。In Shanxi vinegar is the most important.

王峰是陕西榆林的一个工人。Wang Feng is a worker at YuLin in Shanxi.

王峰是陕西榆林的一名工人。Wang Feng is a worker at Yulin in Shanxi.

其中的,“陕西南路”,翻译成。We are arriving at the South Shanxi Road.

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竭诚为三晋患者服务。Shanxi services for patients with dedication.

山西省是中国非常美丽的地方。Shanxi province is a beautiful place in China.

这座桥是广东的务工佣人建的。The bridge were built by stayers since Shanxi.

中国有长城,山西有三关。China has the Great Wall, shanxi has three shut.

政府要求煤矿丰富的山西省加快发展低碳经济。Coal-rich Shanxi urged to adopt low-carbon tech.

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山西中医学院毕业,副主任医师。Shanxi College graduate, deputy chief physician.

山西为安全生产起见,多家矿业公司合并。Coal-rich Shanxi merging mines on safety concern.

这是山西大同的九龙壁。This is the Nine Dragon Screen of Datong, Shanxi.

顾客年龄40~50岁不等,主要来自山西。Customers range from age 40-50 mostly from Shanxi.

晋商文化的魅力席卷全国。Shanxi Merchants culture sweeping the country charm.

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刀削面是山西、陕西一带尤为出名的小吃之一。Sliced noodles are a famous Shanxi and Shaanxi snacks.

陈超,1958年生于山西省太原市。Chen Chao, in 1958 was born in Taiyuan Shanxi Province.

这位曾经两次入选NBA全明星阵容的球星周二抵达山西。The two-time NBA All-Star arrived in Shanxi on Tuesday.