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首先,合资企业本身多少就是一个时代错误。For one thing, JVs themselves are a tad anachronistic.

当她叫他“先生”的时候,那男人只是微微抬起下巴。He raised his chin just a tad when she called him "Sir."

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价格稍高但我仍然觉得它是很棒的一款平板。It’s tad pricey but in my mind it’s still a great tablet.

在这里,我们在一个非常优美塔德世瀑布年底抵达。Here we arrived at end of a very scenic Tad Sae waterfalls.

以碳为生命之基元,稍显乏味,尔意如何?Going carbon-based for the life-forms seems a tad obvious, no?

要在普吉只选一个沙滩那可真有点困难。Choosing just one beach on Phuket proved to be a tad difficult.

对于我自己呢,我对那些难闻的、发痒的药水有点害怕。For my own head, I’m a tad paranoid about smelly, itchy potions.

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这样的一点点片面的食人魔和恶魔之间的斗争。It kind of makes the fight between the Ogre and the Fiend a tad one-sided.

对于较弱的坚强意志的异性个体,可能是一点点创伤。For a weaker-willed heterosexual individual, it could be a tad traumatizing.

任何男人都希望铸就其男子汉气概的基因中其实就是能够长一点点?Any men out there wishing their genes had made their manhood just a tad longer?

1906年的一天,一位名叫塔德.多甘的报社卡通编辑去观看棒球赛。On day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game.

她也有一些讨厌,但是在影片进行到一半时我还是进入剧情了。She was also a tad annoying, but about halfway through the film I was on board.

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咖啡不会让你没那么醉,不过一定会让你有点警觉。Coffee won't make you less drunk, but it will certainly make you a tad more alert.

又是个贬损的——但那不意味着它没有道理。Again, a tad derogatory—but that doesn't mean there isn't some logic there, as well.

但我们不会,事实上,歌手蔡健雅也只是带着一丁点忌妒向我们抱怨了几句。But we don't, in fact, as fellowsinger and bud Tanya Chua has told us a tad enviously.

消费者群体承认这款丰田车稍显迟钝,但它的得分遥遥领先竞争对手。The consumer group admits the Toyota is a "tad dull" but its scores way ahead of rivals.

但是,您首先需要了解一些有关规则构建的概念和理论。First, though, you need just a tad more concept and theory behind how a rule is structured.

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当1861年林肯入住白宫的时候,他的儿子托马斯·泰德·林肯才7岁。When the Lincolns moved into the White House in 1861, Thomas "Tad" Lincoln was 7 years old.

像GMAT的文章一样,上面的文字可能不那么好“消化”——不过对于考试,这倒是个不错的训练。Like GMAT passages, the prose can be a tad difficult to digest — good practice for test day!

发现杂志的常驻“坏天文学家”普莱特赞同这样的文章是少数耸人听闻的文章。Discover's resident "bad astronomer" Phil Plait agrees that the article is a tad sensational.