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有目标,采取大量行动,坚持到底,成功与否只是时间的问题。Set your Goal, work untiringly , persistence, success is only a matter of time.

两三年间,马良乐此不疲地在网络平台上发布自己的作品。In the two or three years, Ma had untiringly published his works on web platforms.

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“适度”是经济学家不懈追求的、同时也是难以真正实现的“最优”目标。Moderation"is a goal hard to fully realized but having been seeked untiringly by economists."

艰苦奋斗、不懈追求,使威飒集团日益发展壮大。It is hard struggle , Untiringly pursue , Cause the might Sa circle develop bigly increasingly.

你,会成为一头驴。从日出到日落,你将背负着压力,不知疲倦地工作。You will be a donkey. You will work untiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back.

自BKELL公司成立以来,研发工程师一直在不懈地努力,致力于汽车音响系统的研发。Since BKELL was established, we have been untiringly pursuing the studies of car audio-system. We do our best.

一开始让我向研究小组的所有勤于工作的组员们,说声谢谢。Let me begin by saying "Thank you " to all of my team mates in the research group who have worked so untiringly.

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一个男孩得到一面鼓作为礼物,他乐此不疲的在家里、在楼道里、在马路上敲着这面鼓。A boy received a drum as a present and he played it untiringly in the apartment, in the hallways, and in the street.

很小的体重和很大的翅膀面积,使昆虫能用很少的功率消耗,不知疲倦地在空中飞舞。Very little weight and very large area of wing, enable insect to use little power consumption, flutter in the sky untiringly.

人谁经历的一切,以便能够成功地在这方面的业务获得的种子,他们不懈地播种。People who have gone through everything to be able to succeed in this business are reaping the seeds that they untiringly sowed.

他不知疲倦地整天工作着,到了傍晚时分,他已经挖出了十把水泥、石灰和碎石片。All day he toiled on untiringly , and by the evening he had succeeded in extracting ten handfuls of plaster and fragments of stone.

母亲又给我一个强健的身体和一个劳动的习惯,使我从来没有感到过劳累。She also bequeathed me a strong constitution as well as a strong inclination for labour so that I have been able to work untiringly.

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不断创新、日臻完美是“三口”人的不懈追求,“三口”愿与广大客户携手共创辉煌明天。Innovate constantly and pursue untiringly , sanko technology wish to create brilliance tomorrow with the messes of customers hand in hand.

作为一种新的尝试,它吸引着无数有志于课程改革的教育工作者投身其中,不懈探索。As a kind of new attempt, it attracts the countless educators who have lofty ideals for the course reform to join in it, and explore untiringly.

同时,法院建筑公共形象又是对司法“公正、公平、公开”精神不懈追求的必然结果。At the same time, the common visualization of courthouse is the necessary result to pursing the "impartial, fairly and open" judicature spirit untiringly.

这种传统与现代的融合构成了余华作品的独特景观,也由此让我们看到一个永远在路上的独具个性的作家不倦的探索姿态。This combination of tradition and modernity is the distinctive landscape of Yu Hua's works, from which we can see a unique writer who is untiringly exploring.

中国致力于世界的持久和平与共同发展,我们将继续奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,继续为建立一个更加公正合理的国际新秩序而不懈努力。will continue to pursue the independent foreign policy of peace and work untiringly for the establishment of a more just and rational new international order.

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经过改革开放30多年来的不懈奋斗,我们胜利实现了现代化建设“三步走”战略的前两步目标,正在向第三步目标阔步前进。After our untiringly struggle through the last 30 years, we have succesfully achived our first two goal under the "three step" strategy, and now ,leading to the third.

作为艺术家的儿子和孙子,刘楠是一位不懈追求艺术真谛、在创作和生活中找到自由王国和个人位置的真正艺术家。Liu Nan is a demanding artist who untiringly pursues his personal quest for truth while he claims and lives up to his place in a veritable dynasty as the son and grandson of artists.

走在行业前沿,不断超越自我,追求卓越,致力于成为中国流通软件的旗帜和航标,是时空不懈追求和奋斗的目标!Going ahead of busyness, constantly self-exceeding, pursuing excellence, and Being dedicated to be a flag or the navigation mark in Chinese circulating soft ware is an aim pursued untiringly by SK.