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他正用黑墨水写字。He is writing in blackness.

我睹到无绝的乌暗…噢,我的头巾失落下来了。All Isee is blackness. Oh, my hood's down.

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暮色渐浓,变成了漆黑一片。The twilight had turned to a deep blackness.

在那以后,就是无法形容的漫长黑夜了。After that the blackness of unutterable night.

黑度是辐射学中的重要参量。Blackness is an important parameter in the radiometry.

周围一团漆黑,她找不到一条道路。In the inky blackness she could find no way around it.

黑暗的精灵就在我们内心,在鱼的内心。The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes.

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二是降低烟尘初始排放量和烟气黑度。Two is to reduce soot initial emissions and blackness.

可什么都没有看到,这让我很意外——只是一片漆黑。Surprisingly, I saw nothing at all—just total blackness.

写这封信的时候,桔红色的光线在黑暗中摇曳。I am writing this in a flickering of orange and blackness.

散热器的黑度表征了散热器辐射能力的大小。The blackness of a radiator expresses its radiant ability.

我被埋在土里,动弹不得,眼前一片漆黑,我看不见别的东西。I was covered. I couldn’t move or see anything but blackness.

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由于忽明忽暗的灯光遮蔽了他的视线,他什么都看不见。He could see nothing for the pulsing blackness that shrouded his vision.

傍晚时分,我可以直望着太阳,不会有眼前发黑的感觉。In the evening I can look straight into it without getting the blackness.

就为我自己说句话吧,黑皮肤从未挑战过我的女人味儿。And speaking only for myself, my blackness has never trumped my woman-ness.

它的黑色和墨迹的卓越的黑色毫无关系。Its blackness has no connection with the sublime blackness of the inkstand.

出现大量的黑色可能是抑郁症或其他情绪紊乱的迹象。An abundance of blackness may be a sign of depression or other mood disorders.

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我看到了精神、灵魂的黑暗,我在音乐中寻求缓解。I had seen blackness of the spirit, of the soul, and I sought relief in music.

除了那堆火,一切都被漆黑的夜色吞噬了。Beyond the light of the fire everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness.

这些照片清楚地显示了广阔的白城市漂浮在黑暗的太空怪异。The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space.