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这是一个洗礼心灵的时刻。This is the hour of an ablution heart.

抑或清洗能将以前的罪过涤荡一空?Or because ablution washes away the past?

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还是因为洗手能抹掉对过去的回忆?Or because ablution washes away the past?

他在典礼前沐浴。He performed his ablution before the ritual.

他在典礼前进行了沐浴。He performed his ablution before the ritual.

凝视海水冲洗尘世的崖岸。Of pure ablution round earth's human shores.

纯净的圣水洗礼著人居的岸沿。Of pure ablution round earth's human shores.

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她沐浴后将去学校。She will go to school after having ablution.

“悲惨”的巴勒斯坦人一直就比沐浴在。"Tragic" than the Palestinians have been in the ablution.

经过暴风雨的洗礼,中国的互联网行业或将更加成熟。Through stormy ablution , internet industry of China or more will mature.

为什么沐浴非要在一间如此魅力,如此舒适,令人难以忘怀的房间里?Why ablution in a case until charm, so comfortable, the room is unforgettable?

凝视海水冲洗尘世的崖岸,好似牧师行施净体的沐浴。The moving waters at their priestlike task of pure ablution round earth's human shores.

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本文是关于沐浴液瓶压盖注塑模具的设计。This passage is about the design of injection mould for the gland of ablution fluid bottle.

江晓阳也在这场血与火的洗礼中找到了真正的爱的意义。Jiang Xiaoyang also is in the ablution of this blood and fire the sense that found real love.

结果,每个村民通过洗礼公开否认同筑路工人有任何联系。As a result, each villager publicly abnegated any connection to the road builders through ablution.

它能为一个普通的戏剧故事洗礼,使之变得更为隆重、神秘、含义深刻。It acts like performing ablution to a plain dramatic tale and making it to be solemn, mysterious and meaningful.

在图中洗礼是完整的,只有执行了洗礼的人才可以祈祷。In the picture the ablution is completed, and the person who has performed it is ready to start to start his prayer.

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法国革命在德国引发了前所未有的震撼,尤其是经历了思想的伟大洗礼。The Great Revolution in French has triggered unprecedented shock in Germany, especially a great ablution in thoughts.

虽然,在我的生命进程里,亦有风雨亦有坎坷,但阳光对我的沐浴使我欣喜若狂。While in the process of my life, but also wind and rain also bumps, but the sun made me wild with joy to my ablution.

清洁和沐浴仪式之前需要萨拉特一样,干净衣服和地点,并取消鞋。Ritual cleanliness and ablution are required before salat, as are clean clothes and location, and the removal of shoes.